Received the daughter’s death message – now they are reunited – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is early Saturday morning. The date is October 7. 8-year-old Emily Tony Korenberg Hand spends the night with a friend in the Israeli Kibbutz Be’eri near the border with the Gaza Strip. Suddenly the silence of the night is replaced by the sound of aircraft alarms and rockets. Altogether, Hamas fires 5,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel this day. At the same time as the rockets rain down on Be’eri, Hamas infiltrates the kibbutz. They kill over a hundred inhabitants and take several hostages. Emily is one of these. Wearing only pyjamas, she is captured by Hamas and transported on to Gaza. In the Be’eri kibbutz, the destruction is extensive and the clean-up is far from complete. The attack has left a lasting mark on the small community close to the border with Gaza. Photo: Baz Ratner / AP The message of death Around 1,200 people were killed and over 5,000 injured in the attack on Israel on 7 October. Most civilians. The war between Hamas and Israel is becoming a fact. After the attack, Emily has disappeared without a trace. Irish-Israeli Thomas Hand fears the worst and wants answers to what has happened to his daughter. A few days later, Emily is reported dead. Thomas Hand brings to tears when he talks about his daughter Emily Hand who has been missing since the attack on Israel on 7 October. Photo: HENRY NICHOLLS / AFP The grieving process starts immediately. But despite the discouraging message, Thomas breathes a sigh of relief. – There were unofficial reports that she was found dead in the kibbutz. It is better that she is dead, than that she is held captive and possibly tortured by Hamas, the child’s father thinks in his quiet mind. As the days pass, Thomas begins to plan his daughter’s funeral. She will be buried next to her mother who died of cancer a few years ago. The turning point on 31 October will be the counter notification. There are no fingerprints, DNA or X-rays to show that Emily is among the victims after the attack. The Israeli military presents a new theory; Emily is alive and being held captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The information will be confirmed later. Thomas Hand holds on to the good memories he and his daughter Emily have together. Now he will do everything in his power to get her home safely from Hamas captivity. Photo: AMIR COHEN / Reuters A hope is kindled. Now Thomas must do everything in his power to get his daughter home safely. – I thought she was dead. Now that we know she’s alive, I’m begging to get her back. We’re going to get her home. That is my main goal. My reason for getting up in the morning. Because believe me, I just want to lie in bed and suffer a quiet death. Sleep and forget everything, he says. Thomas Hand calls for the release of the Hamas hostages during a demonstration outside Downing Street on November 19. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP Out in the world The Irish-Israeli family is contacting the Irish government for further help. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country comes into play soon after. – Emily Hand is an Irish citizen and holder of an Irish passport. We will do everything we can to find out where she is. Hopefully she is alive and well, says Prime Minister Leo Varadkar. Thomas Hand receives support from other families in the same situation during a press conference in London on 20 November. Photo: HENRY NICHOLLS / AFP Thomas also speaks at a press conference at the Israeli embassy in London. – Imagine your family being ripped from you. Long gone. You have no idea where they are or what suffering they are going through. It’s a nightmare, he says from the podium. He continues: – I don’t know what condition she is in, but she will probably be destroyed, both physically and mentally. And it’s going to take a long time to fix, he stammers with teary eyes. The reunification of Qatar, Egypt and the United States is working hard behind the scenes and on Friday 24 November the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel will become a fact. In addition to all hostilities being halted for a period of four days, 50 hostages must also be released from Gaza. Mainly women and children. That same weekend, Thomas’ prayers are heard and the big day has finally arrived. After 50 days in Hamas captivity, Emily will be reunited with her father Thomas at the Safra Tel Hashomer hospital in Israel. After 50 days in Hamas captivity, Irish-Israeli Emily Hand is finally back in the arms of dad Thomas Hand. Photo: AP The 9-year-old runs as hard as she can and jumps into the arms of her overjoyed father. Finally they are together again. Despite the fact that the daughter has lost weight, according to the father, her condition is “better than expected”. Birthday party Now the small family is trying to look ahead. Emily turned nine on November 17. The day was spent in Hamas captivity. Now dad promises the biggest birthday party “the world has ever seen”. – She loves Beyoncé. I will arrange tickets for the next concert. And I’m going to take her to Disney World. Spending every penny to give her good experiences to make up for everything she’s lost. I will give her the world, says Hand. The last few days have been difficult for Thomas Hand who first thought his daughter was killed in the bloody attack against Israel on October 7, but later learned that she was being held prisoner by Hamas. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP In captivity Just under 200 people are still to be held captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The majority of those released are safe and in relatively good health, according to Israeli health personnel. Nevertheless, several hostages tell various media about traumatizing weeks in tunnel systems with a lack of daylight, little food and a constant fear of bombardment.
