Rec Solar Norway must shut down due to high electricity prices – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Last night it was announced that Rec Solar Norway with 250 employees in Kristiansand and Porsgrunn will close down for up to 26 weeks due to high electricity prices. Frode Alfheim is union leader in Industri Energi, which organizes the employees. – In the days and weeks to come, we will both focus on our members, who by all accounts face layoff notices, and work against both the company and the authorities so that production will continue in this country, he writes in an e-mail to Norway. He states that they have been working on this matter for a long time and that they are now doing everything to ensure that the company maintains production in Norway. – We have by no means given up on Rec Solar choosing to stay in Norway, says Alfheim. Last autumn, Rec Solar Norway was In the autumn of 2021, Rec Solar Norway was acquired by Indian Reliance Industries. Behind this company stands Asia’s richest man. Photo: Idrak Abbasov / news The boss in place in Kristiansand Managing director of Rec Solar Jan Eno Bicker is today present at Rec Solar Norway in Vågsbygd in Kristiansand. news has been in contact with Bicker, but he will not appear for any interview at the present time. A press release is also expected in the next few days. news has been informed by sources that it is uncertain whether this will arrive today. CEO Jan Eno Bicker is in Kristiansand today. He does not want to be interviewed. Photo: Kai Stokkeland / news Wants a long-term power agreement Lars Haltbrekken (SV) believes that the minister of industry must immediately instruct Statkraft to enter into a long-term power agreement with Rec Solar. – It will be a disaster for the renewable investment in Norway if the solar company Rec comes to an end. That is why the government must act now, says Haltbrekken. He says SV is going to challenge the minister for business on this. – The system exists, you just have to use it. If the government does not act on its own, we will present a proposal to the Storting. Lars Haltbrekken (SV) is the party’s energy policy spokesperson. Photo: Kristian Skårdalsmo / news Deficit of 2.4 billion Kristiansand’s mayor Jan Oddvar Skisland (Ap) visited the company in Vågsbygd in Kristiansand on Thursday together with oil and energy minister Terje Aasland (Ap). They were then informed that the company that produces solar energy systems for homes, businesses and utilities will shut down for up to 26 weeks. According to Fædrelandsvennen, Rec Solar Norway had a deficit of almost NOK 2.4 billion in 2021. That is four times as much as the income, Rec Solar was founded in Norway in 1996 and by the end of 2021 they had produced more than 43 million solar panels. The company was previously called Elkem Solar. The entrance to Rec Solar Norway in Kristiansand. Photo: Geir Ingar Egeland / news
