Reacts to a bouncy influx – fears “unnatural” effect – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– The foreigners here just call the tire “bouncy, it’s very bouncy”, or trampoline effect in Norwegian. That’s what news’s ​​athletics expert Vebjørn Rodal says about the surface at the Olympic Stadium in Rome. Because it is rare for two athletes to pass 18 meters in a three-step competition. Spanish Jordan Diaz Fortun was only 11 centimeters from the world record in light headwinds. “Several people in the world of jumping believe that the cover at the EC arena here has been very favorable, and through that suggested that it is too favorable,” says Rodal. The video shows Diaz Fortun’s super jump: Jordan Diaz Fortun was only 11 centimeters short of the world record in the triple jump on Monday evening. The surface in the inlet must be more bouncy than normal. The access failed Normally the access to the track surface is built on asphalt or concrete, but in Rome they have built the access on high pillars with slabs on top. This construction can be compared to a scaffold and it can give the jumpers a trampoline effect. Frank Roar Brissach, who is the coach of the long jumper Ingar Bratseth-Kiplesund, thinks so. He saw with his own eyes how the inlet failed under the feet of the athletes. – I think it gives from 20 centimeters upwards in effect, says Brissach. He is not necessarily negative about jumpers and three-step jumpers using such approaches. – It will be more spectacular, but then all championship courses should be like this, concludes the coach. EXTRA HELP: Frank Roar Brissach coaches long jumper Ingar Bratseth-Kiplesund. When he jumped 7.82 meters, Brissach believed that the technical execution will be around 7.50 or 7.60 meters. He believes the approach gave his athlete many extra centimeters. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB The world record was threatened When Portuguese Pedro Pichardo broke the 18-metre barrier on Tuesday evening, the 29-year-old world record of 18.29 meters became a topic among news’s ​​athletics commentators. – If it smokes here Vebjørn, on the built-up approach up there, then we will have long discussions at the back, said Jann Post. news’s ​​athletics expert Vebjørn Rodal followed up: – Then there will be reports in the British press. It is clear that the surface here at the Olympic Stadium, the built-up surface for length and triple steps, has been run in. Proper bounce in it. Many believe it is a bit too responsive cover. FAVORABLE: news’s ​​athletics expert says that the surface is described as “bouncy” by many around the jumping exercises in Rome. Photo: Sigmund Sagberg Andersen / news The legendary world record of Jonathan Edwards, from 1995, was in danger when the Spanish Jordan Diaz Fortun jumped 18.18 meters shortly afterwards. It was only 11 centimeters short of the world record and the third-longest jump of all time in a three-step competition. – Then it becomes a bit unnatural The Norwegian silver winner Sander Skotheim got to test himself on the bouncy surface during the length competition in the decathlon. – I will not complain. I think it was absolutely beautiful. It was a little extra bouncy in a way, he describes. JUBILEE: Sander Skotheim took silver in the EC. Photo: NTB According to Skotheim, this type of surface is more common at conventions in the USA than in Europe. – Is it the right way to go? – I think it is somewhat the right way to go, but at the same time it should not be too much bounce. Then it becomes a bit unnatural. – Then it will be who hits the timing best, not who can jump the furthest. There was probably a bit too much “bounce” here, I felt myself, says the Norwegian EC hero. The betting board may disappear Because it is not only in this championship that the run-up has become a theme. Both the triple jump and the long jump may undergo major changes in the coming seasons. The president of the International Athletics Federation Sebastian Coe is not satisfied with the exercises as they are held today. He has argued that a third of the long jump in the WC last year was ruled dead. Therefore, it has been discussed whether the entire rate board should be removed and replaced with a so-called “takeoff zone”. With such a change, it is assumed that more jumps will be valid and less dead time in the competition. Then the jump will be measured from the set foot instead of the fixed starting line on the diving board. This is where Jakob’s phantom career started 00:51 Bought an autograph for NOK 10,000 01:08 Fooling everyone with this celebration 00:54 This is how Iuel explains the exchange mistake: – Taking it on my coat 00:40 Show more Published 13.06.2024, at 10.15 Updated 13.06.2024, at 12.08
