Reactions to the death of former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi in Italy – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Italy’s longest-serving prime minister since World War II, Silvio Berlusconi, has died. The 86-year-old was a controversial politician and businessman. He was convicted of tax evasion in 2012 and of bribing a senator in 2015, at the same time he was acquitted of having sex with an underage prostitute. “Silvio Berlusconi made history in this country. Many loved him, many hated him: today we all have to recognize that his impact was unprecedented politically, but also economically, sportingly and on television,” writes former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Twitter. “Today, Italy mourns with his family, his loved ones, his company and his political party,” Renzi writes further. The death is massively covered in the Italian media. Former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi remembers Berlusconi after his death. Here is Renzi during a demonstration back in 2018. Photo: Alberto Pizzoli / AFP / AFP Romano Prodi, former prime minister and Berlusconi’s political rival, also offered his condolences after the death. “My deepest condolences after the passing of Silvio Berlusconi. I remember him as a political leader who, in his long and intense public involvement, exerted great influence in life – and in our country. He influenced not only the institutions, but also the lives of all citizens,” says Prodi, according to the Italian major newspaper Corriere della Sera. “Our rivalry never turned into enmity,” he writes further. Simen Ekern summarizes the career of Silvio Berlusconi Many mourn news meets many who mourn in the streets of Rome this Monday. – Berlusconi died today. What did he mean to you? – God, I hadn’t read that news yet. So it’s clear, it was sad to hear, says Francka. – I guarantee you; in difficult moments in Italy, Mr. Berlusconi has never left anyone to himself. Not a single one. So you can like or not like his political ideas, says Carma. – We women were used Some of those whom news meets are nevertheless very critical of him, even on a day like this. – I think the critics were right. After all, he had a superficial perception of women. He just used them, says Erminia. – Berlusconi died today. What does he mean to you? – He represents a large part of Italy. He has done both positive and negative things. – Which positive things? – Especially in football. With Milan. He made history with Milan. – He leaves a big void. He had many strengths and also weaknesses, like all people. But he was undoubtedly a great Italian. – Legitimate neo-fascism In Italy, Silvio Berlusconi’s politics have been a success for neoliberal politics, says historian and associate professor Elisabetta Cassina Wolff at the University of Oslo. – 30 percent of Italians have voted for him in the last 30 years, so they mourn. It is important to show respect for a man who, for better or for worse, has meant a lot to the country. An era is now coming to an end, says Wolff, who is himself Italian. – Berlusconi has meant a lot by legitimizing neo-fascism. It became confusing because he entered into an alliance with former neo-fascists, says historian Wolff and continues: – And it is this actor who is today represented by Giorgia Meloni, who has received the legacy in her lap, she says and refers to Italy’s sitting radical right-wing prime minister , who was elected in October 2022. Meloni also paid tribute to the late head of state in a video on Twitter. He was one of the most influential men in the country’s history, she says. The late Silvio Berlusconi together with Italy’s incumbent Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and politician Matteo Salvini in the election campaign in September 2022. Photo: AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia / AP Berlusconi introduced an economic policy of typical privatization, de-bureaucratization and deregulation of the economy, as did British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and US President Ronald Reagan did in the late 70s. – He was a controversial person who was put on trial countless times, but who was only convicted once in the last effort in the Supreme Court, says associate professor Wolff. – Berlusconi has meant a lot by legitimizing neo-fascism, says historian and associate professor Elisabetta Cassina Wolff at the University of Oslo Photo: University of Oslo “You will always be with us” The newspaper Corriere della Sera reports that the Italian Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè also remembers Berlusconi on its Facebook page today. “You will always be with us, good luck, President”, writes Santanchè. In the morning hours on Monday, the San Raffaele hospital in Milan announced that Berlusconi’s health condition had deteriorated. The former Italian prime minister was admitted to hospital on Friday last week. He previously had leukemia and was recently treated for a lung infection. Berlusconi’s immediate family was by his side on his deathbed. His children Eleonora, Barbara, Marina and Pier Silvio were all present. It was also his brother Pablo. Romano Prodi took over as Prime Minister from Berlusconi in 2006. The political rival sends his condolences and states that the two rivals never became enemies. Photo: Andreas Solaro / AFP / AFP
