Reacting to Greta Thunberg’s actions from the election winner – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The election result for the school election showed that Framstegspartiet and Høgre are the election winners among students at secondary school. The atmosphere was good at Unge Høgre’s vigil. The leader Ola Svenneby first stated in a live interview with news and then from the podium that “I think we can declare the Greta Thunberg generation dead”. It has caused reactions. But on Wednesday morning, the Unge Høreleiaren took self-criticism. – Both form, presentation and timing were crazy this year. Take self-criticism about it. In addition to the fact that the trade-offs neither appeared nor were nuanced enough for many, Svenneby now writes on Twitter/X. He further writes that the quote is not about the climate commitment of young people, but that he believes that many young people have felt misrepresented as radicals and activists. And that he thinks a quiet, conservative revolution is taking place among young people today. – I hope he will be adequately covered, and that today’s young people will be portrayed to a greater extent with the values ​​they actually have. Not the values ​​we would like them to have, writes Svenneby. – Vilt Twitter was abuzz with opinions about the performance of Unge Høreleiaren. Audun Lysbakken, former party leader in SV, comments on what happened to Ola Svenneby on X/Twitter. – OMG. That anti-climate has become a mobilization issue for the right in the middle of the climate crisis is quite wild, writes Lysbakken. Storting representative for Høgre, Mathilde Tybring Gjedde, answers Lysbakken as follows: – Greta Thunberg is not synonymous with climate change. And it is in any case not synonymous with effective and good climate policy that actually cuts emissions and creates popular legitimacy. Conservative leader Erna Solberg and Young Conservative leader Ola Svenneby were satisfied with the results from the school election. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news The cheers were loud at the election vigil for Unge Høyre. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news Høyre became the largest party in the school election. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news Tina Bru, deputy leader of the Conservative Party, is very impressed by the youth politicians’ efforts in the school elections. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Svenneby’s “Morn’a, Jens” Tobias Stokkeland, spokesman for Grønn Ungdom, calls the sentence stupid, but that he understands where it comes from. Tobias Oftedal Stokkeland calls the scene Svenneby’s “Morn’a, Jens”. Photo: Grønn Ungdom – Young people care, but Svenneby is right about one thing: In recent years, a story has been told about what young people are, which they may not recognize. A story in which young people only have a lot of climate anxiety and identify himself with Extinction Rebellion. Stokkeland says that the outcome did not make him optimistic for Unge Høgre’s climate policy. – I think it says something about Unge Høgre, when he chooses to attack climate policy, rather than criticize the current government. Stokkeland adds: – If this is just his “mother, Jens” wink, I’ll give it to him. Having talked about the climate in the election campaign, Synnøve Kronen Snyen, leader of Socialist Youth, says that the outcome is unnecessarily polarizing. – I think it is special that he uses the opportunity to step on one of the biggest role models for climate activists. I experienced that many people in the school election were concerned about the climate: – The Greta Thunberg generation is definitely not dead. My experience is that many people are worried after a summer of extreme weather. This is precisely why it is important to cut emissions and simultaneously create new jobs. The 2023 school election National results in the 2023 school election. The students have voted as if it were a county council election. Compared to the corresponding election in 2019. Party SupportChange21.9%H+8,919.5%FRP+11,417.0%AP−9,511.1%SV+1.39.4%V−0.76.0%SP−2.13 ,8%MDG−7,12,8%KRF+0,52,7%R−2,35,7%Andre−0,5Click on the party circle to see the full party name. Source: Sikt Snyen believes that many people voted Høgre because they have a good climate policy, and calls the outcome special. – They have talked about cutting emissions during the entire election campaign. That Høgre wins the election does not mean that young people’s climate commitment is dead, says the Su leader. Populist move Leader in Nature and Youth, Gina Gylver stands behind the criticism. – Scary, says Nature and Youth manager Gina Gylver. Photo: Håkon Mudenia / news – It is primarily frightening that Unge Høgre profiles itself as an anti-climate party. – It is also very petty that Svenneby says this, because in the past they have profiled themselves as a climate party. It is a populist move that causes the debate to become polarized at a time when unifying solutions should be found, so what they are doing now is disappointing and frightening. Unge Høgre is acting to create increased opposition to an international push for a better climate, says Gina Gylver to news. – Not intending to attack climate commitment – It was not my intention to attack the climate commitment that many young people have. I think Unge Høgre is still a climate party, says Ola Svenneby to news on Tuesday evening. Furthermore, he believes that everyone who heard the entire speech at the valvaka to Unge Høgre understood what he meant when he brought in Gretha Thunberg. Ola Svenneby believes that Unge Høgre is still a climate party. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news – I think many young people have reacted to being compared to and drawn into Thunberg’s values. One can have a different climate commitment than Thunberg has and one cannot say that she has represented an entire generation, he says. The 2023 school election The results of the 2023 school election compared to the 2021 school election, when students voted as if it were a parliamentary election. Party SupportChange21.9%H+8,319.5%FRP+5,617.0%AP−6,411.1%SV−1.69.4%V−1.36.0%SP−1.93.8%MDG−2, 22.8%KRF+0.82.7%R−1.95.7%Andre+0.5Click on the party circle to see the full party name. Source: Sikt Skulevalet 2023 Pupils at secondary schools in Norway took part in the school election. This year, 391 pupils are participating. The election will be held on 4 and 5 September, and 368 pupils reported their results before the deadline. The school election is organized in the election year. The election should give the pupils the experience and practical experience of participating in a democracy. The election is similar to a real election, the pupils vote by placing their ballot in a ballot box. This year, the pupils can vote for the party standing for election in the county council election in the county where the school is located. news compares this year’s result with the school election in 2019. There are several reasons for this. The election organizer himself compares the results with the school election in 2019. The election four years ago was the first time the students voted as if it were a county council election. The school election in 2019 is thus more comparable to this year’s election than the school election in 2021 is. In opinion polls and in the election next week, the result will be compared to 2019.
