Rationing of electricity – this is the first thing to happen – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– I think it is very invasive. It will have dramatic consequences for most people, says Morten Løvaas from Tønsberg. He and his family have a house, a cabin and two electric cars. This winter they cut electricity consumption a lot. The fact that the electricity to the cabin will be cut off early during rationing seems problematic to him. – The cabin has running water, so I’m afraid of damage to the cabin if the power goes out over a longer period, he says. Morten Løvaas fears the consequences if there is rationing. Photo: Martin Torstveit / news According to Statnett, there is up to a 20 percent chance that electricity may be rationed in the spring. Rationing means that the authorities force people, businesses and the public sector to save on electricity. At the same time, important users must receive enough power. This time it is in southern Norway that there is the greatest danger of rationing. The reason is that the water reservoirs in south-west Norway are at a record low. This is the first time the plans for rationing are made by the companies that own the electricity grid. – We have now dusted off our plans for rationing, says Hilde Walmestad, head of customer and network operations at Lede. All network companies are required to have plans for rationing. Hilde Walmestad in Lede coordinates these plans in Vestfold and Telemark. Photo: Martin Torstveit / news In Norway, the power lines are owned by various grid companies. 13 of them have been given responsibility for coordinating plans for how to ration electricity in their area. In South-West Norway there are, among others, Lede (Vestfold and Telemark), L-nett (Rogaland) and Agder Energi nett (Agder). In addition, BKK (Vestland) also has a responsibility. Their plans are not exactly the same, but all follow steps where you cut the least necessary first. Step 1 Voluntary savings. Everyone is asked to use less electricity. (Both private individuals and companies) Switch off street lights and cabins, and lower the temperature in buildings. Certain companies with special agreements may lose power. Step 2 Everyone is required to save electricity. Extreme price for anyone who uses electricity above a certain quota. (Also businesses.) The rationing quota will vary from 30 to 70 per cent of normal consumption. Step 3 Turn off the power for 2 to 8 hours at a time. This will happen by disconnecting different geographical zones. Life and health must be prioritized. This means that hospitals, police, defense and base stations for internet and telephones must have electricity at all times. The war and foreign cables The war in Ukraine is the direct cause of the power crisis in Europe. Russia does not sell as much gas to Europe as usual. Norway has become a bigger part of this power crisis because of the new power cables to Great Britain and the EU. With the cables, Southwest Norway in particular has come closer to the European market, and has received prices that are more similar to what they have there. The idea with the cables abroad is that the companies can import and sell when it is best. But for the winter, we cannot necessarily expect any help from, for example, Germany. There may be rationing in April. Norway’s Directorate of Water Resources and Energy (NVE) is monitoring the situation closely. Section leader Ann Myhrer Østenby in NVE says that the situation is special. – I cannot remember that we have introduced rationing in Norway before, she says. Ann Myhrer Østenby in NVE cannot say anything about what the price might be if you use too much during rationing, but says that it should lead to no electricity being used. Photo: Ole Oskar Eriksen / news It is the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy that decides whether rationing should be introduced in Norway. They do so on the advice of NVE, which also coordinates rationing. – There is war in Europe and an energy crisis and there is little water in the reservoirs. That is why we are following the situation closely and taking measures, such as asking producers to conserve water, says Østenby. NVE’s goal is that we should not be forced to ration electricity. They hope that high prices will reduce consumption. Østenby says that we don’t need to be afraid of losing the power in the middle of winter. It can happen in April – May at the earliest, she says. – Dramatic In the plans, everyone must contribute to saving electricity, but Morten Andreas Meyer in the Home Owners’ National Association believes that households must be shielded. – It will be dramatic if the home owners are affected by rationing, he says. Meyer points out that it is the politicians who have chosen and planned for homes to be heated by electricity. – We have no other options. It is difficult for us to see that home owners can convert quickly, he says. Morten Løvaas from Tønsberg also agrees. He finds it difficult to understand how people can manage to cut more. – Many people take shorter showers and burn more wood. Much of the savings have already been taken, he says.
