Randklev bridge in Ringebu opens before the summer – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– This is very good news for the passengers, the cargo owners who transport goods and us, says CEO Thor Gjermund Eriksen in Bane Nor. The inspection of the bridge elements of the Randklev bridge south of Ringebu shows that the damage is limited and that it is possible to reuse the elements, reports Bane Nor. As it looks now, people and goods can be transported through Gudbrandsdalen again during the spring. The damage to the bridge is not that great and it is therefore possible to reuse most of the bridge. Photo: Rambøll Norge AS – Because we can reuse the elements, the Dovrebanen can open to through traffic faster than if we had had to build a completely new bridge, says Eriksen. The Randklev bridge suffered extensive damage during the extreme weather “Hans”. The large amounts of water in Gudbrandsdalslågen caused one of the bridge foundations to topple. Two of the bridge elements ended up in the river. Mayor of Ringebu, Arne Fossmo (Ap) is also happy that the bridge can open before the summer. – That’s very good. We have an E6 that runs at 40 kilometers an hour through the center of Ringebu, and it is important to get some of this traffic back onto the Dovrebanen as soon as possible, says Fossmo. The bridge elements were hoisted ashore in October. The bridge elements were hoisted ashore in October. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news Randklev bridge is a railway bridge on the Dovrebanen over Gudbrandsdalslågen in Ringebu. Since the bridge collapse, it has not been possible to drive through Gudbrandsdalen by train. Thorough investigations The trusses have been thoroughly investigated with a view to whether they can be used again. – The report tells us that the work to restore the bridge elements will be extensive, but at the same time that reuse is both technically feasible, economically justifiable and favorable in terms of progress compared to other alternatives, says Eriksen. CEO Thor Gjermund Eriksen of Bane Nor is happy that the bridge can be opened before the summer. Photo: Anders Leines Other damages include deformation around nodes as a result of twisting and damage to the supporting elements. Repair will mainly take place through replacement or straightening of the parts that are deformed. The damage is mainly concentrated at the ends of the fountain pens. Photo: Rambøll Norge AS In addition to repairing the bridge elements, the overturned foundation must also be replaced. Most of this has now been removed, and preparations for building a new foundation are underway. – It is not only important for Ringebu that train traffic through Gudbrandsdalen gets started again. It is important for the whole country that it will once again be possible to transport people and goods by train between Oslo and Trondheim, says the mayor of Ringebu, Arne Fossmo.
