Quiz book by Cappelen Damm receives criticism from quizmaster and father of children – news Nordland

– Perhaps the worst product with two binders I have ever bought. Jonas Spildrejordet, political adviser in the Labor Party, took to Twitter after what became a boom before Easter. In a weak moment, he grabbed a quiz book along with chips, solo and eggs. – I’m downright pissed off, he wrote to a video where the children stare blankly into the air after being asked one of the questions in the book. Open with a humorous undertone. Screenshot from Jonas Spildrejordet’s Twitter account. Photo: Privat What year did Ezra Dagett and Thomas Kensett get a patent for canning? What is confit de canard? Is this a question you were able to answer? In the quiz book “Easter quiz for children” it may seem that children are meant to know the answer. – Looks like something out of AI Spildrejordet describe the book as bad, whether for children or adults, with narrow questions, and some questions without proper facet answers. Screenshot from Jonas Spildrejordet’s Twitter account. Photo: Privat – It looks like it came out almost mechanically from an AI or something. – And for children, the book is simply hopeless, he says with a grin. In the list of strange categories, the municipal weapons list takes the cake, he believes. – And Norway’s largest cottage municipality is a bit of a funny adult quiz question, but it’s not very child-friendly then. If you have children between the ages of 6 and 12, you can test the questions below on them: Can you answer this? Which famous Norwegian author was a member of the Nobel Committee at the very beginning? Children’s category in quiz book for children At home they have had many quizzes, but with this book they gave up quite quickly. Spildrejordet is also surprised that a children’s category has been included in the children’s quiz book, and by the categories: Nobel Prize I and II. Next time he will probably look for a quiz book with an author, and maybe look at the book a bit before buying. In the book, for example, there are 10 questions about Norwegian municipal arms with animals: Which municipality on the mountain do you think has a black musk with gold horns, on a silver background? Quiz expert: – Extremely difficult Liv Boye Okkenhaug is a quizmaster and has published a number of books with various quizzes. She agrees with Spildrejordet, who bought the book. Her judgment is that the questions are excessively difficult. – I cannot say whether the product is useless or not, but it may sound like they have missed the age group, says Okkenhaug. Liv Boye Okkenhaug Photo: Private She has been presented with several of the questions, including one about Norwegian municipal weapons with animals. Holtålen municipality in Trøndelag’s municipal coat of arms has a white bird on a red background. Which bird? – Sky and sea. I have no idea off the top of my head. It is terribly difficult unless there are children who come from the municipality. According to Okkenhaug, there are certain things that characterize a good quiz book: – It should first and foremost be a pleasant and social time. Some have a high competitive instinct and their first priority is to win. – But first and foremost, quizzes are a source of social interaction and keeping the brain in shape. Therefore, the question should ideally capture everyone, preferably on a popular level. Cappelen Damm: – A little too wide range Communication manager at Cappelen Damm, Tone Hansen, points out that the book also has questions such as: What is the name of Captain Sabeltann’s boat? and Who was it that slept for a hundred years? These are listed in the children’s category in the quiz book for children, something news has asked questions about. – This is a book that will offer quizzes and fun for the whole family, and varied tasks and levels of difficulty have been included so that there will be something for everyone, writes Hansen. She states that the book is not generated by artificial intelligence, and that it is a person who has compiled the questions on behalf of the publisher. – The idea is also that through the quiz you should be able to learn new knowledge in a fun way. Hansen admits that the range is perhaps a bit too large from 6-12 years, and that they will consider splitting up the target group for the next quiz book they make. Photo: Private
