Queiv Verden believes people must buy pride flags from queer organizations – news Culture and entertainment

– If you want to support the queer movement, you should buy the flag from those actors where the money goes back to pride. This is what the chairman of Skeiv Verden, Thomas André Syvertsen, tells us. In the month of June, pride is celebrated all over Norway. The streets are filled with rainbows, but not everyone agrees on where to buy your flag. – Not necessarily supportive – There are several examples where Norwegian actors produce cheap rainbow products, and sell them in connection with pride. Syversten thinks you should think twice before buying the pride flag, and rather buy directly from the queer organisations. – In previous years, it has been possible to buy a pride flag for NOK 10. That should ring a few bells in your head. REAL PRIDE FLAG: Thomas André Syvertsen says that you can, for example, buy pride flags online from queer organisations. Photo: Privat The chairman says that buying these flags is not the best way to support the queer movement. – It is neither sustainable nor necessarily supportive of the matter. – Our responsibility is knowledge Prideflagg is sold in many shops, and news has no record of how many shops this applies to, but Norli and Meny are two of these. At Norlis you can buy pride flags both online and in store, but they do not give money to queer organisations. – Our most important role is to support with knowledge. We do this through the promotion of current books, Caroline H. Heitman, marketing manager in Norli tells news, and adds: – Giving money to organizations is not part of our policy. SUPPORT WITH KNOWLEDGE: This is what one of Norli’s pride stands looks like, here in Oslo City. Photo: Kristine Hirsti / news news has no record of which stores give the money back to queer organizations when selling flags, but Meny is one of those who do. Among other things, they sell a pride flag for NOK 15.90. GIVING MONEY: Meny sells pride flags on its website and in its stores, and gives a fixed amount to Fri every year. Photo: Screenshot / Menu – We have a good dialogue with the organization Fri, and for the past two years have given them a fixed amount. This year we are giving a total of NOK 15,000, says sustainability officer at Meny, Kenneth Skauge. Nearest store Danby Choi, editor-in-chief of Subjekt, does not directly disagree that we are responsible as consumers for where we buy pride flags. – You must strive to live a moral life, but the most important thing is to stand up for what you want. DON’T HAVE TIME: Danby Choi had bought a pride flag at the nearest shop. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news Nor does he think that everyone has time to think about where they buy their pride flag. – By all means be politically correct in absolutely everything you do, but I don’t think even the Fri leader has time for that. – Where would you buy your flag? – If I were to buy a pride flag, I would probably have gone to the nearest shop, even though the proceeds probably do not go to pride purposes. Rainbow capitalization Viljar Eidsvik, who is head of the organization Fri, the association for gender and sexuality diversity, believes that it is not necessarily negative that the shops sell pride flags. – It can be positive that products such as rainbow flags are more easily available, it just doesn’t give much back to the queer movement. A CHOICE: Buying flags from queer organizations provides active support, says Viljar Eidsvik. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news He believes it is better to buy from the queer organizations directly. – If you don’t buy from the queer organisations, you don’t give the same active support. Then it is better to buy the flags directly from them. Thomas André Syvertsen also believes that you can enter into a dialogue with the shops about the pride flags that are sold. – It is possible to enter into a dialogue with your local shops about where the products come from and what the money goes to, says Syvertsen and adds: – The most important thing is to support the cause as much as you can, but it is good to be aware of where you buys pride flags. Published 26.06.2024, at 13.59
