Queen Elizabeth should not really have become queen – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– When Elizabeth was born, the idea that this was a future queen subject was probably distant, says historian and author Tor Bomann-Larsen. For when she was born, Grandfather George V was King of Great Britain, and it was his eldest son, Prince Edward – Elizabeth’s uncle – who was to inherit the throne. THE UNCLE: Seven-year-old Princess Elizabeth and her uncle, Prince Edward, who was heir to the throne. Photo: AP He did this when King Georg V died in 1936, surrounded by his family. On the late evening of January, just after the king’s life had ebbed, the widow queen took the hand of her eldest son, kissed it, and said, “Your Majesty.” Edward, the new British king, was then 41 years old, unmarried and had no children. – But there were probably not many who thought that he should not produce a heir to the throne. He was a very swarming man and was called “prince charming”, says Bomann-Larsen. Anonymous upbringing Elizabeth thus grew up as relatively anonymous and was not in the right line as heir to the throne, the historian points out, and with a father who was also in no way prepared for a role as head of state. It took a dramatic turn in 1936, when Elizabeth was ten years old. For her uncle, King Edward VIII, had not even been king for a year when he decided to abdicate. THE EX-KING: The year after Edvard abdicated, he married Wallis Simpson. Photo: Labor He had long dated the American woman Wallis Simpson and wanted to marry her. The only problem was that she had already been married – and divorced – twice. Many had thought that Edward would find a more suitable wife subject when he became king, but he surprised everyone with his dramatic decision to abdicate. – Edward became king in January 1936 and abdicated in December the same year. He did not even manage to be crowned. Thus, his brother was thrown into this with his wife and his two daughters, Elizabeth and Margareth, says Bomann-Larsen. THE NEW ROYAL FAMILY: King George VI and his family waved to the people from the balcony of Buckingham Palace in 1939. Princess Elizabeth is on the left in the photo. Photo: AP Got the monarchy in her lap Elizabeth’s father was named Albert, but took the royal name George VI when he surprisingly had to take over the throne. Suddenly, he and the eldest daughter Elizabeth, who then became what we in Norway would have called the crown princess as the first in the line of succession, had embraced the dynasty and the kingdom. – I think it came as a shock to him. It was a trauma he carried with him all his not too long life: his brother threw him into it by failing in his duty and passing it on to his younger brother, who got it whether he wanted to or not, whether he was prepared or not, says Bomann-Larsen. In May 1937, the day Edward VIII was to be crowned, Elizabeth’s father was crowned. – The fascinating thing about Edward’s abdication is that it did not shake the kingdom. He abdicated before the planned coronation ceremony, but the coronation went its course. The only thing they did was to replace the king, says Bomann-Larsen. – Thus the monarchy continued as if nothing had happened. It is interesting how the individual is subordinate to the institution. “Dedicate my whole life to their service” Elizabeth received private home tuition and eventually served in the British Army. SPEAKING: When Elizabeth turned 21, she promised to dedicate her life to people and country. Photo: AP In 1947, she was on her first official trip abroad, when she and the royal family visited South Africa. During the visit, she turned 21 and came of age. On that occasion, the young heir to the throne gave one of her first official speeches and made it clear that she was prepared to put her duty first: “I give my solemn promise of dedication to the whole empire. It is quite simple: I declare to all of you that I will dedicate my whole life, whether long or short, to your service. ” THE QUEEN: Queen Elizabeth after the coronation. Photo: Labor – She went “all in” all the way from the government speech and filled the role, says Bomann-Larsen. A few years later, King George VI died of lung cancer, just 56 years old. The British new monarch was 25-year-old Queen Elizabeth II. The 96-year-old queen’s 70th birthday is now being celebrated on the throne. LONG SERVICE: Queen Elizabeth, pictured here in 2013, has been Queen of Great Britain for 70 years this year. Photo: Kirsty Wigglesworth / AP She was the princess who suddenly became the first in line to the British throne. And has become the longest-serving British monarch. – She has done her job all the way. It is not small, says Bomann-Larsen. – One can probably say both positive and negative things about how she has fulfilled her role, and that will be the case for 70 years, but she has never failed in her duty. WITH THE HUSBAND: Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip married in 1047 and stayed together until he died last year. Photo: CARL COURT / AFP
