Qin Gang removed as China’s foreign minister – predecessor Wang Yi takes over the job – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Chinese state media reported on Tuesday that the country’s former foreign minister, Wang Yi, is back in the job, thus taking over from Qin Gang. Appointed foreign minister in December 2022, Qin Gang has been nicknamed the “wolf warrior”, a nickname applied to a new generation of Chinese diplomats who hit back with forceful rhetoric against Western criticism of China. Qin went from being a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to a bag carrier, and then he became China’s ambassador to the United States in 2021. He was there for only 17 months before becoming foreign minister. Despite the fact that he has been the face of China to the outside, Qin Gang has shone with his absence for four weeks. A meeting with the EU foreign minister was cancelled, for no known reason. Barely two weeks ago, he should have been in Indonesia, at a meeting with leaders in Southeast Asian countries. The Chinese Foreign Ministry then announced that Qin was not going to stand, due to health. A picture of him in the hospital bed, or resting in an armchair, could have put an end to the rumours. Instead, the answer to questions about where he has been, why he has not been at work, and when he will return, has been: “No comment”.
