– Putin fails in Ukraine – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Ukraine has momentum, and continues to make progress, while Russia continues with cruel attacks against civilians and infrastructure. President Putin is failing in Ukraine, says the NATO chief during a meeting with the press in Brussels on Tuesday. Stoltenberg points out that Russia has not made any military advances. He believes that the recent attacks on civilians in Ukraine show that Putin does not have many other options. – Putin started this war. He must end it, by withdrawing his forces from Ukraine – Ukraine needs weapons Stoltenberg also addressed President Lukashenko in Belarus, asking him to stop participating in the “illegal conflict”. According to Stoltenberg, the NATO countries stand by Ukraine as long as it takes, and says he is happy that NATO allies, such as the United States, have promised advanced air defense systems and other support to the country. – Ukraine needs weapons, artillery, armored vehicles, air defense systems and armored personnel carriers, he says. Furthermore, Stoltenberg says that NATO monitors Russia’s nuclear threats, and sees no significant changes in Russia’s threats with nuclear weapons. Defense ministers to meet NATO countries’ defense ministers are now to meet this week to discuss, among other things, the war in Ukraine. In the ministerial meeting, the defense ministers will, according to Stoltenberg, discuss the protection of critical infrastructure in the member states, in light of the sabotage on Nord Stream 1 and 2. – Allies are strengthening security around key installations, working with intelligence and intelligence sharing, says Stoltenberg, adding that attacks on critical infrastructure will be met with a determined and unified response.
