Pupils from Folkehøgskole in Nordland are stuck in Tel Aviv – news Nordland

9 October 2023 at 10:24 Students from Folkehøgskole in Nordland are stuck in Tel Aviv 14 students who attend Helgeland Folkehögskole have been sitting in a bomb shelter in the second most populous city in Israel since Saturday. This is reported by Nettavisen. According to the newspaper, the students in Israel are in connection with a collaboration with the Israel Mission. – They are safe, but have been in a bomb shelter since the attack on Saturday, and are affected by it, Jarle Råmunddal, secretary general of the Norwegian Israel Mission, told Nettavisen on Monday morning. According to the online newspaper, the students are between 20 and 25 years old. According to the plan, the students were to be in Israel for two months. Until recently, they lived at a Church and membership center in Israel’s capital, Tel Aviv. – It is best that they get home now, and we are working to get them home today, says Råmunddal.
