Pupils do not get a school library as they are entitled to in the Education Act – news Vestland

– We are far from a good enough offer, says university lecturer in school library knowledge at the University of Agder, Ingeborg Eidsvåg Fredwall. At the university, they have contact with school librarians throughout the country. – I can therefore say that there is still a long way to go before all pupils in Norwegian schools have access to good school libraries. After the library branch in Byrkjelo was closed two years ago due to bad advice in the municipality, Breim school has received bookcases from the public library in the municipality. Each class gets a box of books that should last for about two months. Fear of reading pleasure – I fear that there will be less reading pleasure among the pupils. I am also worried about the future enjoyment of reading and commitment to books, says special education teacher Bente Ellingvåg at Breim school. – We find that many pupils cannot find books they want to read, and that the enjoyment of reading decreases. Special education teacher at Breim school, Bente Ellingvåg, is not satisfied with the school library offer they have received at the school. Photo: Arne Stubhaug Want to raise competence – It must be made clearer in the Education Act what a school library is and what the requirements should be for a school library, says Ingeborg Eidsvåg Fredwall. Section 21–1. Access to the school library The school must have a school library unless access to the school library is secured through collaboration with other libraries. Libraries that are not located in the school’s premises must be accessible to the pupils during school hours, so that the library can be used actively in education at the school. The library must be specially arranged for the school. She believes it is important to raise the skills of school librarians. – We know that only about 20 per cent of those who work in primary schools have a library education. – There must also be stricter requirements for school owners to equip and purchase a collection for the school library so that the collections are good enough and there is enough literature. The municipal head of education in Gloppen municipality, Per Arne Strand, believes they meet the requirements in the Education Act, because the school pupils have access to a library. – If it is a good enough offer, the answer is no. Big differences in the country – A bookcase is in no way a school library, and a school library is also nothing without a school librarian. This is according to the head of the Confederation of Librarians, Veronicha Angell Bergli. She sees that there are big differences in the quality of school libraries in the country, and that the primary school is the big loser. – There are currently few dedicated school libraries and school library resources at the primary school. Some places have invested in school libraries, and they are also seeing results from that investment. But for many places there is a long way to go, unfortunately. At the University of Agder, Ingeborg Eidsvåg Fredwall teaches future school librarians. Photo: Kjetil Samuelsen – Have not been prioritized enough – Me and see that it is desirable to have books that can stimulate a desire to read. It is important for those who are going to learn to read, but the way things have been, it has not been prioritized high enough, says the municipal manager in Gloppen municipality, Per Arne Strand. – We are working on finding means to be able to increase the activity around school libraries, especially at the two schools that previously had a library branch near them. The library is to be expanded so that there is more space for class visits, but also so that other adults and voluntary organizations can use the library at the same time. Photo: Anna Sambor School library directly across the road An hour and a half’s drive away from Breim school, is Sande school. They don’t have their own school library here either, but use the library branch directly across the road. This library is more open, so the school can use the library both before and after opening hours when the librarian is not there. Anna Sambor is the librarian at Sande library. She is there two days a week. She accepts class visits, gives pupils recommendations for books and helps with homework. She also helps teachers with projects. – I think the collaboration with the school is going very well. The teachers are very good at using the library, but I wish I had more resources. It can get a bit busy.
