Pupils and the lecturers’ association expect guidance on ChatGPT in place at school – news Troms and Finnmark

– Where good students have received a completely new aid in artificial intelligence, there are others who do not understand it completely. We are concerned that we have a technological class divide, says Petter Andreas Lona. He is incoming leader of the Student Organization (EO). According to Lona, several students experience ChatGPT, and similar services, as a technological class divide. He believes there is a need for national guidance on the service in schools. – There have been calls for guidelines on how ChatGPT is to be used from several quarters since it came out in November. It’s been a while, and it’s starting to be criticized that the government hasn’t come up with anything yet. Lona believes that the organization is not negative about technological development in schools, but that there is much that is important to think about. MUST BE ABLE: Incoming leader of the Student Organization, Petter Andreas Lona, does not believe that artificial intelligence will ever come out of school again. – We hope that good guidelines will be put in place, good help for municipalities and principals who are not able to handle such major changes in the school themselves. Photo: Tobias Dahle / Student organization What is ChatGPT? Artificial intelligence assistant, programmed to help answer questions and solve problems Developed by Open Ai, founded by Sam Altman and Elon Musk in 2015 Uses machine learning of language models to produce text Has missing information after 2021 Speaks all languages, including Norwegian – Need more knowledge about the consequences Together with KS, the government is putting forward a new strategy for digital competence and infrastructure in kindergartens and schools. – We need more knowledge about the consequences of screen use and new technology such as artificial intelligence, and what it does to learning, attention and skills. Today’s children and young people encounter digitization and new technology in all arenas. It provides opportunities, but also challenges that we need to learn more about, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre in a press release. According to the press release, the government is coming up with several measures to support schools in dealing with artificial intelligence in education. The Government and KS will work together to promote the strategy’s measures and ensure knowledge sharing and coordination between the municipalities and with national authorities. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre wants more knowledge about what, among other things, artificial intelligence can do to learning in schools. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news – Must have some similar driving rules Principal at Alta high school, Inger Persen, experiences that students use artificial intelligence. Like several schools around the country. She and teachers at the school have discussed a lot about the challenge of artificial intelligence, but the school is aware that it is here to stay. Now it’s about adapting quickly and gaining the skills to handle technology in school. – We must have some similar driving rules and practices in the school system so that the system is fair. I think we have to get that from a national level, so that not every single school works on it themselves. We need more knowledge about how we can use it in a constructive way, says Persen. MORE ARTIFICIAL STUDENT ANSWERS: Teachers have received student answers to tasks that they clearly see have been written by artificial intelligence. The school is not quite ready for KI yet, but is prepared to think about different practices in the future. Photo: Mariam Eltervåg Cissé / news – A major digital shift The principal at Alta viderågåenden receives support from the leader of the Norwegian Association of Lecturers, Helle Christin Nyhuus. – We want the Ministry of Education to take clear responsibility and take seriously the fact that we have a major digital shift. ChatGPT offers many challenges and many opportunities. We need to get it regulated now. The team of lecturers has previously asked the Minister of Education to give the schools a clear framework for dealing with ChatGPT. Therefore, the leader expects that there will be guidance when the government presents its strategy for digital competence today. CAN CREATE DIFFERENCES: Since ChatGPT is a paid service, there will be a difference between students who use the service and those who do not. This is what the leader of the Lecturer’s Committee says. Photo: Fartein Rudjord
