Publishes the basis for a search of Trump – Latest news – news

26 August 2022 at 18:41 Publishes the basis for the search at Trump The US Department of Justice has made public the basis for the FBI’s search of Donald Trump’s property at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. Large parts of the document have been redacted to protect the witness and the further investigation. The Ministry of Justice objected to publishing the basis because the document would be so slandered that it would remove the meaningful content. But a judge ruled on Thursday that it was necessary to publish the leaked documents in order to protect the investigation. During the search in August, at least 15 boxes of documents were seized. Several of the documents must have been classified, and some of them also labeled as top secret. Trump is being investigated for possible violations of the Espionage Act. But he denies having done anything illegal, if he believes he is being targeted for a political witch hunt.
