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The case summed up: Summer job is the most searched word on Finn jobb in January, the month Aksel Egge himself got a summer job. Several companies start preparing for the summer early, so it is smart to apply for current jobs in the new year, say people from Nav and the recruitment agency Heia Nord-Noreg. 7 out of 10 young people between the ages of 15 and 24 had a summer job in 2022. There is one type of job in particular that many are looking for already in January, figures from Finn Jobb show. Namely a summer job. It is the search term that reigns at the top of the list on Find job. Over 16,000 positions for various summer jobs are available all over Norway on the market place. Aksel Egge was one of those who got a job already in January, at the news agency NTB. He is studying in the last year of the journalism degree at Nord University. – I actually think it’s pretty good. Because once I decided where I was going to be this summer, I could already go in mid-December and see who is looking. Aksel Egge is pleased to have landed a summer job at the news agency NTB, and that long before the snow has disappeared from the ground. Photo: Thomas Alstad / news Today there are 16,014 vacancies for summer jobs spread over 1,993 different advertisements in Finn. Half of these were already out in mid-January. – It is actually the case that many companies are already starting to prepare for the summer. That’s why it’s smart to enter a search for current jobs in the new year, says Christopher Ringvold, job analyst and manager of FINN job. Christopher Ringvold is the head of Finn Jobb. He encourages you to start the hunt for a summer job early. Photo: Finn – More difficult to get a hold of people What used to be January and February has now for many become November and December. That’s what Gard Michalsen says about the early announcements. He is a day-to-day manager and adviser in the recruitment agency Heia Nord-Norge. – It is more difficult to get hold of people. Also for summer jobs. So it can be a good idea to be out earlier in the hunt for the best people, he says. He thinks this is a good picture of the battle for competence. – You have to be out earlier, says Michalsen. Photo: Øyvind Arvola 7 out of 10 young people have a summer job According to Statistics Norway, more young people had a summer job in 2022 than before. This year, 7 out of 10 young people between the ages of 15 and 24 had a job during the summer months. These are the most common occupations according to Statistics Norway: Sales profession: Shop, fast food and café Care and care workers in care, school or kindergarten Occupation within personal service management, mainly waiters Most used search terms on FINN job so far in 2024 Summer job Nurse Lawyer Offshore electrician Psychologist Driver Equinor Kiwi Warehouse worker Nav: – Coming already in December If you look at, you will find that there are 9,141 positions in 830 different advertisements today. This is precisely why Nav encourages everyone at the turn of the year to apply for a summer job. – Precisely because we have seen the same trend that already in December the summer jobs start coming, says Karoline Linderud in Nav. – It is only earlier and earlier that employers want to fill up their positions, and the easier it is to plan the summer as well, says Linderud. Photo: Nav She says there are both advantages and disadvantages to the application process starting so early. Advantage: You have more time and can apply for several jobs during the process. Disadvantage: That many people haven’t started thinking about summer jobs yet, because they have enough to think about Christmas jobs. – I think that in the period from January to March, it will only increase even more in February, says Linderud, who adds: – Here we have to try to be a bit early with information. That is because it is important, if you are going to have a summer job, to start the process early if you are to get the job you want. Tips on how to get a job Linderud in Nav has clear advice if you want to make sure you get a summer job, even if you don’t have much previous experience. – It is not necessary to have work experience because having a summer job is often the first job you have. Think a little bigger and dig into what you have done. Everything from small jobs or experience from the Russian era can help your CV. Use your personal qualities or other experience via leisure activities, school, work or education. Start the process early. Then you avoid opportunities going away from you. I think the market has turned Gard Michalsen explains that while it used to be the employer’s market, it has now become the employee’s market. The “good people” can therefore shop around more and choose jobs. – Previously, it was a struggle to get a job at all. This applies particularly in the districts and in Northern Norway. Exceptions are the big cities such as Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim. There are many people here who are still fighting for the same jobs. Just like for Egge. Although it was lucky for him, he also understands that it is a bit too early for many. – I can understand that it may be a bit early for people considering that you may not be quite sure where you want to be. It may be that I was just lucky this year that I was safe, if you understand.
