Psychologist specialist believes “pedo hunters” seek excitement – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Five young people in Agder and a 14-year-old in Sogn og Fjordane have been charged with tricking and attacking alleged pedophiles. The incidents were filmed and spread on social media, where the accused were identified with full names and personal details. The police confirm that the videos are linked to groups that believe they run civil protection linked to pedophiles. Psychologist Pål Grøndahl believes that the young people behind these actions are risk-seekers and inspired by similar actions they have seen on the internet. Grøndahl points out that society’s stigmatization of pedophiles may have contributed to the young people’s actions. Kripos expresses concern about the development, especially the use of serious violence and the involvement of young teenagers. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – I think it’s primarily about thrill-seeking among young people. They are inspired by things they see on the internet and want to do the same, says psychologist specialist Pål Grøndahl. news said on Wednesday that videos in which so-called “pedo hunters” attack are spreading online. In Agder, five people aged 16 to 19 are charged with deprivation of liberty after luring a man in his 40s into a “sex trap”. Forced onto a bench In Luster in Sogn og Fjordane, a 14-year-old is charged with attempted murder after a man in his 50s was attacked and stabbed in several places on the body. The man is charged with arranging a meeting with children under the age of 16, with the aim of sexual activity. The 40-year-old in Agder was met by several young people somewhere in Kvinesdal. He was forced onto a bench and accused of being a pedophile. The incident was filmed and spread on social media. In the video, the man is also identified with his full name and personal details. Excerpt from the video that was published on social media. Police station chief Liv Versland Seland at Flekkefjord and Kvinesdal police station says that the case, which they became aware of in May, is a high priority. She confirms to news that the video from Kvinesdal is linked to a group that believes they run civil protection linked to pedophiles. – We will now review digital seizures. There are many phones to review to see what the motive is and how it is shared, says Seland. Police station chief Liv Versland Seland says it is a criminal offense to share this type of video that the five young people aged 16-19 have shared from Kvinesdal. Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann – Promise to “take” them Psychological specialist Grøndahl believes it is no coincidence which young people are behind these actions. – These are probably young people who are a bit more risk-seeking than other young people and who drive the line all the way. – Are you saying with this that they are not so ideologically concerned? – Yes. I don’t think they are so keen on primarily taking people with pedophile disorder, but that they have seen others who do something similar. Grøndahl also believes that they have caught on to society’s attitudes towards pedophiles. – They have probably realized that this is a group that is very stigmatised. So it’s kind of legal to “take” them. Grøndahl also points out that the threshold for reporting is high for those who are accused of pedophilia. – They may have been out fishing for young people, which is illegal if they are under 16. Photo: Anders Fehn / news The victim has not been charged Police station chief Seland says they are now investigating whether the incident is linked to special environments. – Do you know anything about how the victim was lured? – I do not want to give any details about the course of events. We have interviewed several suspects in this case and will take follow-up interviews. – Can you confirm that some kind of trap was laid for the victim? – Yes, it looks that way, yes, but I would like to make it clear that the victim in this case is not charged with any crimes, says Seland. Kripos is concerned Kripos has previously stated to news that recent developments make them concerned about the use of serious violence and that young people in their early teens are involved in these groups. They do not ignore the fact that there may be more Norwegian videos than the ones they are aware of. – Victims of hanging and violence may refuse to report to the police because they themselves have done something that could be punishable, said head of the intelligence section of the Kripos Guro Skjerve to news earlier this week. She points out that civil defense groups are problematic for several reasons and that it is a criminal offense to share videos of people who have been subjected to violence. Guro Skjerve heads the intelligence section in Kripos. Photo: Police Published 21.06.2024, at 20.25 Updated 21.06.2024, at 20.36
