PST gets to monitor more – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In addition to use for the preparation of analyzes and intelligence assessments, it is proposed to enable the PST to use the information in preventive matters and in the investigation of criminal offenses within the PST’s area of ​​responsibility. The information must be deleted after five years at the latest, but with an option to decide on continued storage on further terms. A few weeks ago, the government updated the national counter-terrorism strategy. Here, the police’s ability to uncover extremists online is a key point. But today, PST is not allowed to store openly available information from, for example, online newspaper articles, open public registers, open discussions in social media, comment fields and blogs. Now the government wants to change the law so that the domestic security service can collect and store such information. 15 years of storage was too much The Solberg governments put forward a far more intrusive proposal just before they left in 2021. At that time, they wanted to let PST store internet traffic for 15 years. After many objections in the consultation round, the Støre government shelved the proposal. The then Minister of Justice Monica Mæland (H) wanted to give the Police’s security service greater powers when it came to storing information in open sources. The Solberg government also proposed that PST should be able to prosecute those who collaborate with foreign intelligence to destabilize elections in Norway.
