PST apologizes after the Pride terror – Latest news – news

8 June 2023 at 12:53 PST apologizes after Pride terror PST chief Beate Gangås apologizes for not being able to prevent the June 25 shooting. She says that during the press conference on Thursday. – It is not the way it should be, and it is of course something I want to follow up, says Gangås. Director of Police Benedicte Bjørnland explained that the PST chief presented serious information in connection with the attack in a meeting of the government’s security committee. The PST chief recommended that the solidarity marking be cancelled. – I see today that I could have tried to obtain more information from the Oslo police district despite the time pressure. I see that the Oslo police district’s own assessments could have been weighted even more heavily in the balance between recommending cancellation because of the threat and because of basic freedom of expression and assembly. – This is an important learning point for me, said Bjørnland.
