Protesters break into the residence of Sri Lankan President – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has fled after his home was surrounded by angry protesters earlier today. There is great political unrest in Sri Lanka and the police had imposed a curfew in the capital ahead of the new demonstrations on Saturday, which demand that Sri Lanka’s president and prime minister resign. Protesters believe President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is responsible for the country’s economic crisis, the worst since independence in 1948. Protesters storm the president’s residence in Columbus, Sri Lanka. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe is also condemned for not doing enough to quell the crisis since he was appointed two months ago. Some of the protesters wearing helmets and with the Sri Lankan flag in hand must have managed to enter the residence, pictures from a local TV station show. Local media report that the protesters have entered the president’s office. Security forces have fired into the air, and police are using both water cannons and tear gas against protesters. Some of the protesters took a bath in the pool at the president’s residence. Rent increases in petrol and food prices Thousands of people have descended on Colombo’s government quarter. They shout slogans and tear down police roadblocks. The police, for their part, respond with tear gas. Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck. Problems have arisen for Sri Lanka, which is struggling with a foreign currency deficit. There is a great shortage of fuel, food and medicine. The country is now in the worst economic problems in decades. Many blame the president and there have been many large peaceful demonstrations in the country since March this year. Here, a member of parliament is said to have been attacked by the protesters. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has summoned the government to an emergency meeting to find a quick solution to what could be a power vacuum after the president has had to flee.
