Prosecutor asks for 21 years in prison for defendant in double murder in Kristiansand – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We are facing an unimaginable tragedy. A mother and a sister have been killed. Six siblings are left without their mother and sister. That’s what assistant lawyer Kristine Eide said during the last day in the Agder district court on Friday. She represents the three surviving daughters of the 56-year-old who on 28 March last year killed his wife Najah Alsharaa (42) and daughter Khadijeh Saed (20) at Søm in Kristiansand. – It is not possible to understand the grief and pain that the bereaved feel, said Eide. Kristine Eide is a solicitor for the defendant’s three surviving daughters. Photo: Heidi Ditlefsen / news Earlier this week, the accused father of the family explained himself in court. He pleaded not guilty to double murder. He is also charged with having carried out the murders with his son as a witness. The 9-year-old came home from school just before the defendant killed his wife and daughter in the hallway at home. The two were killed with a hammer and knife. The 9-year-old was also a passenger in the car when a neighbor drove the defendant to the police station immediately afterwards. – He has witnessed horrific acts, said the prosecutor in the case. Asked for 21 years in prison Five of the six surviving children, three girls and two boys, were present on the last day of the trial. Prosecutor Jan Tallaksen asked for the law’s strictest punishment, 21 years in prison, for the 56-year-old accused. He believes the man was sane when he carried out the murders. – I would characterize the murders as a brutal, heartbreaking act. Done with an anger and a force against the two that has quickly resulted in them being put out of action and dead, Tallaksen said in his proceedings. He believes that there are no mitigating circumstances in the case. Custody was considered, but the prosecutor did not think it was necessary to make a claim for this. State Attorney Jan Tallaksen is the prosecutor in the case. He submitted a request for 21 years’ imprisonment for the defendant in the Agder District Court. Photo: Ina Marie Sigurdsen / news Knife and hammer under the pillow The defendant’s defender, Mohamed Hamzaoui, submitted a request for acquittal. He believes the 56-year-old has not been fully investigated. The defender questions the fact that 10–12 psychologists and health personnel have made completely different diagnoses than the experts have made in court. – In the case of hospitalization or imprisonment, the person in question is supervised 24 hours a day and has much more time. They evaluate in a different way than the experts do, says Hamzaoui to news. The defendant currently has an unspecified psychotic diagnosis. The defender also states that he takes a dozen tablets a day. A central point in court has been whether the defendant is criminally sane. The father of seven killed his wife and daughter with a hammer and knife. In the main proceedings, it has emerged that he has kept this under a pillow in the living room for over a year. The prosecutor believes this shows that the actions did not take place on pure impulse. The defendant is said to have committed the murder with this hammer and knife. Photo: Anna Rut Tørressen / news Demon he asked to kill Two of the daughters have also testified in the case. They believe the father is lying when he says he does not remember what happened on the day of the murder. In court, the defendant explained that he woke up at four in the morning on March 28 last year, and met a figure he says was a demon. – He said I had to kill. Then I woke up in the hospital, he explained. In court, the two daughters who testified said that the father has a good memory. – Both tell of a very good memory. The defendant is someone who remembers very well, said the prosecutor. The daughters have told the court how tough everyday life is one year after the murder. – He has destroyed my family and my whole life. There are no words to describe how I feel, one of the daughters is said to have stated in court, according to legal aid lawyer Eide. Claims 4 million in compensation The legal aid attorneys for the six surviving children submitted a claim that almost NOK 4 million should be paid in compensation for loss of dependents and restitution compensation. For the youngest boy, who was 9 years old when the actions took place, the total amount is in excess of NOK 1.5 million. It is currently uncertain when a verdict in the case will come.
