Proposes putting more prisons to sleep. The shop stewards believe it could result in more relapses. – news Nordland

– It is unfortunate that the budgets put the correctional service in such a situation that they have to resort to such serious measures. That’s what the regional union representative for the correctional service in the northern region, Daniel Johnsen, says. Norwegian prisons have to save money. The management of the Correctional Service has therefore asked the five regions to come up with proposals for cost-saving measures. It has been proposed to put several wards and prisons on hibernation. Then both staff and inmates are transferred to other prisons. Proposed hibernation at three prisons in the north The Correctional Service in the north region deals with Nordland, Trøndelag and Troms and Finnmark. Here it is proposed to put a prison in each county into hibernation for a year. In Nordland, it has been proposed to put the low-security prison at Fauske to sleep. In Troms and Finnmark, proposals have been submitted to close a section of the high-security prison, in addition to putting the entire low-security prison in Tromsø to sleep. TROMS: Tromsø prison is located in Tromsø municipality in Troms, and is a unit with high and low security levels. Photo: Aslaug Aarsæther / news In Trøndelag, this applies to the clearance department in Kongens gate in Trondheim. The release home is the inmate’s last stop before they go back into society. There, they have access to both telephone and internet so that the inmates can arrange, for example, accommodation until they are released. If the release home in Trondheim is put to sleep, inmates and staff will be sent to high- and low-security prisons. Regional union representative, Daniel Johnsen, believes that putting the home to sleep will cost society more expenses in the long term. – There is a significantly greater chance of the convicted person continuing their crime after the end of their sentence if they are released from high security. Below you can see an overview of the proposed measures: These are the proposals the prisons have for savings: In Southern Norway, an application has been made to add more places in Agder prison ward Evje i dvale as well. almost half imprisoned in Froland. In Møre and Romsdal, an application has been made to close eight places in Hustad prison. They have also applied for fewer anklets. In Bergen, there is talk of putting the entire Lyderhorn transitional housing on hibernation, as well. an entire ward in Bergen prison. In Ringeriket prison, it is proposed to sleep in a ward. In Skien prison, it is proposed to sleep in several housing units. In Nordland, it has been proposed to put the low-security prison at Fauske to sleep. Proposals have also been submitted to close a department at the high-security prison, in addition to putting the entire low-security prison in Tromsø to sleep. The entire clearance department in Kongens gate in Trondheim is also proposed to be put to sleep. Serious criticism from the National Audit Office Many shop stewards news has spoken to fear that inmates’ transition to society will be too abrupt. The National Audit Office also published a survey this year which shows, among other things, that many released persons lack housing and have major financial problems. It also states that the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness and the Ministry of Labor and Inclusion lack knowledge about inmates’ needs for services. State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Services, John-Erik Vika, tells news that the Correctional Service is in a demanding financial situation. He also says they need to reduce their costs. IMPORTANT WORK: State Secretary, John-Erik Vika, believes the work of the correctional service is important. Photo: Bård Nafstad / news – At the same time, there is currently free capacity in several places, and the correctional service must therefore make ongoing assessments of any capacity against needs. Vika says that an increase in the allocation of a total of NOK 145 million has been proposed in the budget for 2022 and 2023. – The funds will go towards increased staffing, better content and reducing the extent of isolation. He has confidence that the correctional service makes good assessments to ensure that the offer and return work to inmates is taken care of. – Also that the employees are looked after in a good way, he concludes. Fears fewer employees Regional representative at the correctional service region south, Ingeborg Kivle, is also worried that more employees will quit. COMPETENCE: Representative in the southern region, Ingeborg Kivle, is afraid that the prisons will lose valuable expertise if the measures are adopted. Photo: Anne Lognvik / news – We are already seeing an escape in the correctional system. It is unnatural for many people to quit as prison officers. The reason for this, she believes, is because it is much tougher to work in Norwegian prisons now. And it can be tougher. In the region, they are also discussing cutting staffing at night. If this is adopted, the prison officers cannot, according to the law, open the door to an inmate at night. – If we are understaffed at night, we have to call either the fire or the police if an inmate needs help. Then it may be too late when they first get to the prison. Hoping independent housing will pass Regional representative for the north, Daniel Johnsen, understands that the Correctional Service cannot afford to keep all departments and prisons open. – But we hope it will be decided that more independent housing such as Kongens gate and Fauske prison will be allowed to remain. The Directorate of Correctional Services and the Norwegian Prison and Probation Association are currently in meetings to find out what measures are to be adopted. Hi! Do you have any tips or input on this matter? Feel free to send me an email here.
