Proposes moving reindeer from Fosen to Os and Tolga – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– It is important that we have now taken a step forward in the process of following up the mediation agreements at Fosen, says Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap) in a press release. One of the most important points for the Fosen agreement was that the state must find new winter grazing areas for the reindeer. The areas must be outside Fosen. Now the Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy (NIBIO) has submitted its first proposal for where these areas could be. The report is on the table of the Ministry of Energy. NIBIO has assessed the Håmmålsfjellet-Sålekinna area as clearly the most suitable as an additional area for winter grazing, and the government has therefore assumed that this area will initially go ahead. The area is located in the mountain area on the border between Tolga and Os municipalities, and the eastern part extends into Engerdal. Both the mayors of the respective municipalities and the reindeer herders at Fosen have been briefed on the report’s recommendations. – Good winter grazing qualities – The area has good winter grazing qualities, says head of the Sør-Fosen site, Leif Arne Jåma, to news. The reindeer owners at Fosen consist of two separate groups. It is Nord-Fosen siida and Sør-Fosen sijte. Sør-Fosen site entered into an agreement with developer Fosen Vind and the state in December. Nord-Fosen siida reached an agreement with developer Roan Vind and the state in March. The development of the Storheia and Roan wind power plants meant that important winter grazing areas for the groups were destroyed. A total of 151 turbines have been set up and 129 kilometers of construction roads have been built in the two wind power plants. For both groups, it applies that the state has taken on responsibility for acquiring an additional area that the reindeer will be able to use as long as the wind turbines are standing: “The agreement will help to ensure further reindeer herding, mitigate operational disadvantages, as well as provide a basis for future cultural practice for South The waterfall site in a generational perspective.”, according to the Ministry of Energy. The area must be suitable for winter grazing and be within an acceptable transport distance from Fosen. It must also be located outside the reindeer herding area in Trollheimen, and outside the wild reindeer’s habitats. We are talking about 2,100 reindeer that will be able to use the pasture in the winter of 2026/2027. Photo: Leif Arne Jåma The plan is for it to be used until 2045, when the license for the wind power plants expires. NIBIO has assessed 12 different areas for winter grazing for the two siidae in the Fosen reindeer grazing district. The agreement in the Fosen case also means that the two affected siidae will receive NOK 7 million a year from the developers. According to the Ministry of Energy, this should “include and cover operational disadvantages on Fosen as a result of the establishment of wind power, measures that can ensure that the Sør-Fosen site can use an area for winter grazing outside the Fosen reindeer herding district, and other measures to promote Sami reindeer husbandry and cultural practice in a generational perspective.” Information and data that emerges through the investigation must be made available for a subsequent regulatory process according to the Planning and Building Act and license processing according to the Reindeer Herding Act. Published 17.09.2024, at 10.01 Updated 17.09.2024, at 10.07
