Promises more share details next week – Latest news – news

29 September 2023 at 18:27 Promises more share details next week Erna Solberg’s husband Sindre Finnes wants to contribute to transparency about his share deals where relevant, writes lawyer Thomas Skjelbred in a press release. Elden Advokatfirma is in dialogue with the stock exchange and the banks regarding the release of all data on Finnes’ share transactions. – Contrary to what has been claimed in the media, it is no easy task to retrieve this information 10 years back in time. It has proved both time-consuming and complicated to obtain, compile and quality-assure this information, despite very constructive dialogue with the financial institutions, writes Skjelbred. More detailed information has been requested regarding Sindre Finnes’ share transactions, including times and sums. – When it comes to detailed information about individual transactions, this is considered to be personal information that is not relevant to being able to assess the competence of Erna Solberg, he writes in the press release. Finnes has made a total of more than 3,600 share transactions during Erna Solberg’s term as prime minister. Økokrim has stated that they are currently investigating whether there are grounds for opening an investigation.
