Promises a story about revenge – news Culture and entertainment

The final season about the crazy financial boys from Aker Brygge is on track. The final season of Exit will be about how the multimillionaires use tax havens, cryptocurrency and the green shift to earn even more millions. One of these millionaires is William, the character played by Pål Sverre Hagen and who last season questioned whether to die or not. But he is alive and well in season three, something the first reports about the series reveal. Not easy to guess where in the world William (Pål Sverre Hagen) is here. Season three of Exit was recorded in Morocco, Spain, France, England, Sweden and Norway. Photo: Fremantle / news – I promise no improvement for the character, but I think people will enjoy ending the series together with us, says footballer Hagen. Nor did he know what was in store for William when the previous season ended. – A need for revenge But the main characters are not just men in suits. Agnes Kittelsen plays Hermione, who has been a driving force in the series all along. – Hermione is a character who started in one place and had one idea of ​​who she was, but then she ends up in a place she could never have imagined she would even end up in, says Kittelsen. Agnes Kittelsen plays Hermione, who has a plan to destroy the financiers once and for all. Photo: FREMANTLE / news Hermine has experienced both psychological and physical violence from her husband Adam, and since the first season has had a goal to get out of the environment. – This season she continues her journey towards what is perhaps freedom. What makes Hermione cope? – I think it’s a mixture of a strong survival instinct and, at least in the third season, a need for revenge. The tension lies in the fact that she will take this journey, take revenge, and what that will do to her. Does that make her one of the boys, or will she become something else? Season three deals, among other things, with how Norwegian wind power money ends up in tax havens. The Exit gang will also benefit from that. Photo: Freemantle / news – Natural place to put an end Is it true that there is Norwegian wind power money in tax havens? news has, among other things, spoken to Økokrim in the clip above. Throughout the series, series creator Øystein Karlsen has interviewed people who are in or know the Norwegian financial environment. According to Karlsen, the series is around 70 percent reality, 30 percent free imagination. – I hope that the viewers are left with an insight into an environment that they did not know existed in a newly rich Norway. I hope that our pride has been given a shot in the arm and that the sailors have been entertained, says Karlsen. The series, which is Norway’s most watched regular drama series with around 2 million viewers, has been sold to around fifty countries. Tomorrow the first three episodes will be in the online player for news TV. Kittelsen adds that it is satisfying that one dares to tell a story that has an end. – It is a nice and natural place to put an end to the Exit universe, concludes Kittelsen.
