Promised the mother never to play in a tournament with Karjakin – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– My mother and I promised that we would never play in a tournament with Sergej Karjakin again, says Wesley So to news. The background for the subject in the interview is that Karjakin was recently included in the prestigious “World Cup” tournament by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). WAS INCLUDED: Karjakin is apparently back in the heat after being banned from Fide. It arouses reactions. Photo: Christian Kråkenes / news There was a lot of attention and reactions – including from chess expert Atle Grønn, who thought it would have been a “disaster for the rest of the world” if the Russian had settled. Does he think he’s doing it for money – It’s very unfortunate if they let Sergej play, the American claims. Karjakin has received massive criticism for supporting Vladimir Putin’s regime. In March, Fide chose to ban the 32-year-old for six months for breaching the association’s ethical guidelines. He has previously stated that support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine could be career-ruining for himself. – Yes, I’m ruining my career with this. But on the other hand, chess is not my whole life. Anatoly Karpov said that chess is his whole life. – But it’s not like that for me, said the chess star in an interview with the Russian news channel Rossija-24 last year. So there are no supporters of the statements Karjakin has made since the invasion began. – It is unfortunate because of all the comments he made. Although the ban seems to be lifted for the Russian, he is apparently not a popular man in the chess community. So he says he does not want to go into details, but points out that it would be a shame if they let the Russian back now. OPEN: Wesley So shares his thoughts on the controversial Russian. Photo: Jørund Wessel Carlsen / news – I had a good relationship with him. I have played against him so many times in the past. I don’t think he’s stupid. I think he is very smart. But it looks like he’s doing this for money. Read more about Wesley So’s story in the article below: – Prize money lower than ever The American claims: – I think Sergej has realized that, and realizes that he can make more money this way. Chess profile Hikaru Nakamura has a different view of the situation. – If Karjakin is not banned, tasteless as it may seem to many, then I do not understand how they can say that they do not invite him. Based on the regulation, he qualifies with his ranking, as I understand it. – If Fide wants to ban him, then they can ban him. If they don’t want to ban him, I don’t see what the whole problem is, says Nakamura to news. PROFILE: Nakamura put question marks around whether it is the right decision to possibly ban Karjakin on a permanent basis. Photo: Jørund Wessel Carlsen / news The American says the actions of the Russian have been tasteless, but is unsure whether a permanent ban is the right thing to do. He refers, among other things, to the criticism from Magnus Carlsen’s coach, Petter Heine Nilsen, who has expressed that six months is too little. He believes it may be wrong to ban people based on things that have nothing to do with the game or the activity. Nakamura further believes that it could lead to more bad situations in the future. – It is a difficult situation no matter how you look at it. I think that the ban was to some extent deserved, but that it should lead to a permanent ban, which some people think, I don’t quite agree with. I agree to a certain extent with the ban, but banning him forever works not to me as the right thing to do.
