Prolonged detention for Norwegian accused of spying – suspicion strengthened, according to PST – Siste nytt – news

30 July 2024 at 16:57 Ruling: Extended detention for Norwegian accused of spying – suspicion strengthened, according to PST “In the court’s view, nothing has come to light so far that gives reason for a changed assessment of the grounds for suspicion”, the ruling reads, among other things. Thus, PST was heard for its request for four new weeks of detention with a ban on letters and visits. The prison meeting was held behind closed doors. According to PST, there should be stronger suspicion against the Norwegian accused of spying. On Tuesday, he was remanded in custody for four new weeks in the Oslo District Court. The man’s defender says that the 37-year-old is determined that he has done nothing wrong and requested to be released because he believes he was not engaged in espionage. – He has run a geopolitical centre, says lawyer Marius Dietrichson to TV2. The accused spy has a doctorate from an elite university in China. He built up a company that offered advice on international political affairs to public and private institutions.
