Producers of fur animal feed want more in compensation – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– The whole building was purpose-built when we installed the equipment, and we are talking about investments of many tens of millions of kroner, says general manager of Rogaland Pelsdyrfôrlag SA, Terje Engeseth. In Sirevåg in Hå municipality, he runs what is Norway’s largest factory for the production of fur animal feed. The investments were made nearly 15 years ago, when feed production for the fur industry still had a future. But in December there is a knock on the door. For now, most of the fur farmers have shut down their operations. And then there is no more mink to fill. Offers NOK 30 million In the proposal for the state budget, the government will offer a limited compensation scheme with a total frame of NOK 30 million to fur series and fur animal feed companies that have to wind down their operations as a result of the business ban that was adopted in 2019. This is happening after the Storting in 2021 adopted two request decisions : “The Storting asks the government to put forward a proposal to establish a compensation scheme for machines and equipment which are specialized in connection with the operation of feed kitchens and fur ranges, and which have no residual value as a result of the ban on fur animals.” “The Storting asks the government to put forward a proposal to establish a scheme where grants are given for the clean-up and sanitation of furries and feed kitchens, so that the residual value of these facilities can be increased and the facilities can be reused.” But Engeseth believes the government has not followed through on what the Storting has asked of them. Terje Engeseth is general manager of Rogaland Pelsdyrfôrlag SA. Photo: Sindre Kirkaas Normann / news Because he is not aware that a single valuation of the real values ​​to be replaced has been carried out. – There are crumbs to calculate in relation to what are the actual values ​​that should be replaced, says Engeseth. With the assistance of suppliers and appraisers, he has carried out a calculation of the new price of the companies’ specialized machines and equipment, which amounts to approx. 200 million before deductions for aging and wear and tear. The premises are so specialized that they can hardly be converted into anything other than a warehouse. But this is also problematic, because the smell of feed production sticks well in the walls and ceiling, according to the general manager. Photo: Sindre Kirkaas Normann / news Wants compensation not compensation He also reacts to the fact that they are not getting more money to make changes to the plant, so that it can be used for other operations. – The government believes that in the state budget they have signed off on the request decision by offering the fur series up to 500,000 and the fodder layers up to 2 million each for sanitation and clean-up, says Engeseth. According to him, these amounts are nowhere near what is required to put the facilities in order. – I want to use words that are provocative, or at least not very compliant in relation to the size of these facilities and the values ​​that lie in them. Engeseth believes they must receive compensation for the losses they suffer, and not compensation. Has put a ceiling on the compensation But the answer from the minister gives little hope of more money for the producers. Sandra Borch, Minister of Agriculture and Food (Sp) Photo: Dan Henrik Klausen – Partial compensation is provided for expenses for remediation and clean-up and compensation for machines and equipment that are specialized for the operation and have no residual value as a result of the ban on keeping fur animals. A ceiling has been set for the overall compensation, says Sandra Borch, who is the Minister of Agriculture and Food (Sp).
