Privatistelevar demands a second chance after the exam trouble måndag – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

After the exam chaos last Monday, it became known on Friday that the students in the country can choose to cancel the exam if they wish. The decision was announced in a press release from the Norwegian Directorate of Education (UDIR). For them, it has been important to find a solution that is “fairest for the greatest possible number of pupils”, the message said. Pupils, teachers and the principal at Sonan’s education in Oslo believe that UDIR has now achieved the exact opposite. – The students who took the exam with us do not have a standing grade to fall back on, says the principal at the school, Tine Spillberg. Therefore, canceling the exam is not fair for them either, she believes. The dream education may be lost One of those for whom it applies is 32-year-old Malin Utne. She has put her life on pause to get a diploma and study qualifications in place. – I want to study nursing at Lovisenberg Diaconal College. I have worked very hard to get the best grades I can, because the average for the education is quite high, she says to news. Utne needs a fifth in Norwegian to have a high enough average to enter the line. When she took the exam on Monday, she also had a problem with logging in. Malin Utne (32) says she has put her life on pause to be able to study at Sonans. Photo: Terje Haugnes / news – I was told that I would get back the 30 minutes I lost and with it the five hours that were set aside for the exam. But I didn’t get that. Utne says that she had planned the work on the exam carefully and that it was busy when she was suddenly told that there was only 30 minutes until she had to deliver. – I thought I still had a whole hour. I think the lost half hour caused me to drop two grades. – They don’t have the same choice Just under 2,000 students took the exam in Norwegian main language on Sonan’s Monday. They used the same systems as the country’s secondary schools and also had problems with logging in. – We are still surveying how many of the students passed the exam. Some were able to start after an hour, others after three or four hours, says the principal. – With the hours they were entitled to? – No. There were several who did not get the hours they were entitled to. The exam time was considerably shorter for them, replies Spillberg. Many of the students at Sonans take exams to gain general study skills, so that they can enter higher studies in the autumn. Others take exams again to get a better grade. – They have paid to go here and have practiced for the exam for a year. Now there may be more people who do not enter higher education because of this. They do not have the same choice as students at secondary schools, says Spillberg. Sonans has therefore contacted UDIR and demanded a new exam for all private practice students. Principal at Sonans, Tine Spillberg. Photo: Terje Haugnes / news New exam possible in the autumn In an e-mail to news, the director of UDIR, Morten Rosenkvist, wrote that they are considering offering the private sector a new exam in the subject in the autumn. – They can also use the ordinary application procedure for cancellation, the email states. But for some of the students, like Malin Utne, a new exam in the autumn is not good enough. – I can’t wait until the autumn for a new opportunity to take the exam. I need those grades now, so that I have them for the recording which takes place in the autumn. What they need now is a new exam, believes the 32-year-old. – I had shown up tomorrow. We deserve a fair chance, she says.
