– Private “donkey drivers” the municipality – news Vestland

– It is terrible. The municipality is far too awkward. They allow themselves to be “driven astray” by private individuals, believes Knut Karevoll. He and his wife walk the dog on the hiking trails at Bømoen in Voss, and pass the mayor who is standing and being interviewed by news. – There is probably a slightly higher temperature in this matter than what we are used to in Voss here. Mayor Tonje Såkvitne notes that. The Center Party politician is among those who believe Voss will be interested in allowing some development in this area. The bømo just north of Vossevangen consists of an airstrip, a disused military camp, and pine forest with hiking trails. Photo: Anders Hauge Extreme sports and reality TV The airstrip, the pine forest and the former military camp Bømoen lie three to four kilometers east of the center of Voss. The area is particularly famous for two reasons. The airstrip is the “lifeblood” of the extreme sports environment at Voss. Both during Ekstremsportveko and throughout the year, this is where skydivers, base jumpers and paragliders take to the skies. The old camp is the filming location for the TV2 series Kompani Lauritzen. In addition, the moen is an important short trip area for the Vossingans. But a twelve-year-old dispute over Bømoen has now sharpened and become extra bitter. Here is the first troop that recorded the reality series “Kompani Lauritzen” at Bømoen on Voss. Photo: Matti Bernitz/TV2 Business development 16 years ago the military camp was closed down. Since 2012, the issue of Bømoen has divided the vossingane. When the old military area was to be sold, the municipality decided not to buy. Instead, local investors received the grant of 3 square kilometers with camp, airport and pine forest with many hiking trails. In the last twelve years, there have been many plans, and the opposition to them great. Bømoen camp is now, among other things, used to record the reality series for TV 2. Photo: Oddgeir Øystese / news Bømoen AS will now be allowed to develop around a third of the area with businesses, campsites and hotels. The opponents believe that a priceless outdoor area has been destroyed, and are afraid of air sports activities on Bømoen. That the very charm of Voss is in danger. Threats and mistru Lokalavisa has been full of reader posts arguing that Bømoen must be preserved. – What is at stake is that Voss is in danger of losing its most important natural, outdoor and recreational area. Ragna Elise Berre says so. She is a board member of the Voss nature conservation association, an activist for Bømoen and one of those who are jogging under the pine crowns this day. – But it is clear that the case divides Voss. It gets a little inflamed because there is such a strong commitment. One must trust a little cautiously, says the resident Vossingen. A parachute jump over Vossevangen on 17 May this year. Photo: Morgan Mackay / Voss parachute club – Air sports in danger A threatening cloud cover means that Andreas Håland Heimli cannot send his parachute jumpers up from the airstrip this day. It is not the only thing that casts a shadow over the Voss Parachute Club at the moment. For years, Heimli has been in conflict with those who own the land around him. Andreas Håland Heimli is the day-to-day manager of Voss Parachute Club. Photo: Oddgeir Øystese / news He fears for Voss’s status as a mecca for extreme sports. – The forest here, where we have tents and camping, they want it gone. Nature is the big loser here. The leader of the parachute club says many people find the procedure of the company Bømoen AS to be unprofessional. news has spoken to Bømoen AS, but they will not be interviewed or comment on any of the criticism. The airport at Bømoen is central to air sports in the county. Photo: Oddgeir Øystese / news Seeking a compromise On Thursday, the chairmanship of Voss herad discussed the development plans. They went in favor of development, with five votes against four. In other words, it is completely unclear what the result will be when the district council finally decides on the matter next Wednesday. Mayor Såkvitne fears that the matter will not calm down after the political decision. She says she will do what she can to work out a compromise before the meeting. – We have two outer edges. Then I hope I will be able to come to a dialogue. We must find a solution that as many people as possible can get behind, for the best for the village. – Are you afraid the split will continue? – I think that will happen if we are unable to talk together and bring the debate down to a calm level. The newly elected mayor Tonje Såkvitne faces strong opposition from walkers on Bømoen. Photo: Agnieszka Iwanska / news Published 11.06.2024, at 05.14
