Prince Harry gathered with family after “zoo” statements – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The two attended the anniversary service in St. Paul’s Cathedral, which was in honor of Queen Elizabeth’s 70 years on the throne. On Thursday, however, the message came from the British court that she had to cancel. According to British media, there must be talk of movement problems. Thus, the British newspapers were most concerned that Prince William and his wife, Duchess Kate were present along with his brother, Prince Harry and his American spouse, Duchess Meghan. In recent years, the relationship between the two brothers has been quite strained. It was in fact the first time the two princes participated in a joint event since Prince Harry resigned from his royal duties in 2019 and moved to the United States. In 2001, he said in a podcast that being a member of the royal family was like being in the movie “The Truman Show” or living in a zoo. BACK: Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan now live in the United States. Before the festive service, they stood with the prince’s cousin, Zara Tindall (right) Photo: DANIEL LEAL / AFP The interview with Oprah Winfrey did not improve the relationship between the prince and the rest of the royal family either. Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan also received a mixed reception from the audience when they arrived at the cathedral, Sky News reports. However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was outraged by the crowd as he arrived at St. Paul’s Cathedral on Friday, where he was to attend the celebration of Queen Elizabeth. The Prime Minister was to read a Bible verse during the festive service. Johnson has received much criticism for his participation in the so-called “partygate” scandal. A report revealed that the Prime Minister attended a number of farewell parties in Downing Street during the severe coronation in England. He was also fined by the police for attending some of the gatherings. Has reduced the program Prince Andrew, the queens’ second eldest son, also did not attend the festive service in St. Paul’s Cathedral. The reason is that the scandal-ridden prince has tested positive for the corona, a spokesperson for Buckingham Palace stated on Thursday. As expected, he was also not present during Thursday’s events, including the military display outside Buckingham Palace. Earlier this year, Prince Andrew reached an agreement with Virginia Giuffre, who claimed that he had committed several sexual assaults on her in the early 2000s when she was still a minor. Queen Elizabeth has had to reduce the program over the past year due to health issues. The 96-year-old queen has been very active, considering her age, but in October last year she is said to have spent her first night in hospital in eight years. She then had to cancel a planned trip to Northern Ireland. She also did not appear at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow on 1 November. On March 29 this year, she attended a memorial service for her late husband Prince Philip. It was then her first major public event since last year. INVITED: Bishop Tor B. Jørgensen was present during the service. Photo: news Wise not to participate Bishop Tor B. Jørgensen was present during the service on Friday, then as the only Lutheran. He is a former bishop in Norway, but is now in a small Lutheran British congregation. – It is absolutely fantastic, he says about being invited to news. – Are you disappointed that the queen could not attend? – No, I think it was very wise not to participate here. Having no place to retreat if she had felt unwell, it would have been very difficult, he says. BREAK OF THOUGHT: The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson captured a thoughtful moment during the festive service. Photo: PHIL NOBLE / Reuters 2000 people attended the festive service, which was led by the Archbishop of York. He paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth for having kept a steady course throughout her 70 years as monarch. He also talked about her great interest in horses, as well as her good humor. The queen herself is said to have watched the service, which included speeches, bell ringing and prayer, on TV. On Friday afternoon, the message came that the queen will also cancel the horse race Epsom Derby on Saturday. The queen will follow the horse race on TV at Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace informs according to ITV News. The large-scale celebration will last until Sunday. Here you can see photos from every decade she has been regent, in the form of anniversary stamps Royal e-mail has made on the occasion of this year’s platinum anniversary:
