Prince Harry claims he killed 25 people as a soldier in Afghanistan – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In the book, Prince Harry writes that he killed 25 people while serving in Afghanistan. He was on assignment in the country for two periods. – I always knew how many enemies I had killed. And it was essential for me not to be afraid of the number. Among the many things I learned in the Armed Forces, the most important thing was that you are responsible for your own actions, he writes, according to Sky News. Several British media outlets have obtained the book after the Spanish version hit the market by mistake. – Then my number: 25. It wasn’t something that filled me with satisfaction, but I wasn’t ashamed either. Took cocaine as a 17-year-old The prince also admits to having taken cocaine when he was 17. He made a string of friends, but was not hooked. – It wasn’t particularly fun, and didn’t make me as happy as others thought it would be. But it made me feel different, and that was my goal. To feel. To be different. Before the book is published, the prince has been interviewed by both ITV in the UK and CBS in the US. Both interviews were broadcast on Sunday evening. – It should not have turned out the way it has, said the prince about his giving up his royal duties and moving to the United States. – I would like to have my father back. I would like my brother back. Prince Harry makes strong accusations against his brother and Crown Prince William in his autobiography. Photo: DOMINIC LIPINSKI / AFP The title Spare plays on the English expression the heir and the spare – the heir and the reserve. Strong accusations In the biography, Prince Harry says that his brother William allegedly physically attacked him in 2019, when they argued about Harry’s wife Meghan. Prince William is said to have thought that Meghan was difficult and rude. It is expected that the book publication will be another test for the British royal house, but many Britons are tired of what they experience as constant whining from the exiled prince. When asked by news if they should read the book, news gets clear answers from random Britons. – No, says both Loveday Maynor and her daughter Minna. – They left the country. So why is there still so much talk about them, the mother asks rhetorically. – They have been paid millions of pounds to tell their story on Netflix, says the daughter, who believes there is no need for an additional book. People want to strip Harry of the title One in four Britons have had a worse impression of Harry and Meghan after the series, according to a survey YouGov has done for The Times. Only 7 percent have gained a better impression of the couple. 44 percent think the title Duke of Sussex should be removed. And a whopping 62 percent of those asked say they have more sympathy for William and Kate than for Harry and Meghan. Only 6 percent have the most sympathy for Harry and Meghan. But among the youngest adults between the ages of 18 and 24, it is the other way around. 37 percent have more sympathy with Harry and Meghan than with William and Kate, while 18 percent think the opposite. They were called “The Fab Four” before the enmity arose. Here they are reunited in connection with Queen Elizabeth’s death in September 2022. Photo: Kirsty O’Connor / AP
