Prince Harry accuses royals of “going to bed with the devil” – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In the new interview, Prince Harry emphasized that he is fond of both his father and his brother and the family in general. – Nothing that I have done in this book or otherwise has ever been done with a desire to harm them or hurt them, the prince said. He then let loose again on the British royal family, as he has also done in previous interviews. He repeated the accusations, from the recent Netflix documentary series, that members of the royal family feed the tabloid press with lies about him and his family to make themselves appear in a better light. – After many, many years of lies told about me and my family, it comes to a point where … again when you go back to the relationship between certain members of the family and the tabloid press. These members have decided to go to bed with the devil. To improve his own reputation, Prince Harry said. Prince Harry’s book “Spare”, which means reserve, is on sale from 10 January. But the book was mistakenly published in Spanish bookshops already on 5 January. Thinks the family was prejudiced against Meghan In the TV interview, Prince Harry says that he thinks his family is prejudiced and thinks in stereotypes. – I don’t think they expected me to ever end up in a relationship with someone like Meghan, who had a very successful career. Ham believes that both the royal family and the British press had stereotypical prejudices against his wife. – Some of the way my brother and my sister-in-law behaved clearly felt to me as if stereotypes created a significant barrier. Thinks the family behaved terribly after the queen’s death In the book Spare, it appears that King Charles said no to Meghan being able to accompany Prince Harry to Balmoral Castle in Scotland, when Queen Elizabeth was dying. – The day she died there was just a really, really terrible reaction from my family members, he says Prince Harry in the interview. He accused the family of having once again leaked and planted negative stories in the press, while he himself should have wanted unity. – I said: We are here to mark grandma’s life and mourn her loss. Can we get together as a family? Prince Harry says he does not know how he and the other family members can change the current situation. The British royal family has so far not commented on this, but they also do not have a tradition of speaking out about private matters.
