Priest changes his view on same-sex marriage – news Troms and Finnmark

– I have been in a process of change in recent years, and now I feel the need to be open and honest with my congregation and my colleagues in the church about where I stand on the matter. So says the parish priest, Vegard Loke Rønning, in Kvalsund parish in Hammerfest municipality. – Since a decision in the church meeting in 2017, I have been opposed to marriages for same-sex couples in the church. I am no longer like that, says the priest in a video he himself published on Facebook. In the video, he explains why he now wants to marry same-sex couples. He has spent several years reaching this decision. For him, marriage between a man and a woman has been the fundamental building block of society until today. Now several people are happy that he sees this differently. Had to think bigger He states that what started the process was a question that he could not answer. A same-sex couple asked what he wanted them to do as he did not want to marry them in the church. – I have never had a good answer to that question. He also asked himself if he is in a position to turn these couples away. Thus the answer came to him. He had to think bigger about marriage. – The institution of marriage must accommodate more than just man and woman, as a priest I have no other answer to give to same-sex couples than that marriage must be for them and. Because what else does the church have to give them? The parish priest in Kvalsund hopes that the choice he has made can bear fruit in the long term, and tells news that he hopes society will follow suit. Photo: Jonas Løken Estenstad / news Clear opponent With his traditional view of marriage, he was a strong opponent of the change that took place in 2016 – when the Church Meeting decided to introduce church marriage for same-sex couples. The following year, a new wedding liturgy was also adopted so that same-sex couples can also be married in the Church of Norway. – The fact that the wedding liturgy, which the church meeting adopted, bore the mark of unfocused committee work and strange theological choices did not help my perception of the matter either. I marked myself out as a clear opponent. In the local newspapers, the parish priest called the new wedding liturgy a “theological sham”, and wanted to reject it. Nevertheless, the congregation in Kvalsund did not turn its back on the priest. They accepted his view of the matter. – It is not external pressure or new impulses that have caused me to change my mind on the matter. The change has come as a result of theological and ethical reflections, says Rønning. – It says respect by In the neighboring municipality of Alta, Kristoffer Karjalainen (26) applauds the parish priest’s turnaround. He himself has experienced ostracism, harassment and bullying because of his orientation. – This is in the body, and makes you not feel safe in your local community, and the country you grow up in. Such things as this create more space and security, he says. He believes that the priest’s election has enormous significance for those who live in Kvalsund, and for those who have a connection to the church. – It commands respect. This means that everyone will feel included and seen. It is going in the right direction, and he is part of an important development, says Karjalainen. Kristoffer Karjalainen (26) says that the Kvalsund community should be proud of its parish priest. Photo: Jonas Løken Estenstad / news Surprised by the turnaround Truls Olufsen-Mehus is a former county leader of KrF in Troms and Finnmark, and was the county party’s first candidate in the general election in 2021. He is today deputy leader of the local team of KrF in Hammerfest. The local politician is surprised that his mentor in Christianity has become more liberal and now chooses to marry same-sex couples. – You should not listen to a priest with an open mind, you should listen to a priest with an open Bible, says Olufsen-Mehus when news asks for his opinion on this matter. Truls Olufsen-Mehus adds that he believes the church should be open to everyone. KrF politician, Truls Olufsen-Mehus, from Hammerfest, is surprised that the parish priest in Kvalsund turns around and says that one must listen to what is written in the Bible. Photo: Jonas Løken Estenstad / news – I really feel that I have disappointed everyone The parish priest in Kvalsund expects reactions to the fact that he has now changed his mind about same-sex marriage. He thinks some will be happy, others will be disappointed, and some will say “welcome after”. – People can say what they want. In 2017 I followed my convictions, and I do the same today, says Loke Rønning. – I really feel that I have disappointed everyone with my decisions up until now, but I respect that.
