– Pretty wild – news Culture and entertainment

Two years ago, the fisherman from the town of Søgne outside Kristiansand got an idea to share life at sea. – I want to convey the fishing profession to young people, especially that it is actually a job, and that you can have fun with it, he tells Lindmo, where he is a guest tonight. – For me, this is my dream job, this is my hobby. Although the profession also involves a lot of hard work, he continued. The TikTok success started when he shared a video of a fish drinking cola. It quickly went viral. Humor, but bloody seriousness Gradually he began to film himself in challenging weather and conditions. It turned out to be a hit with the TikTok audience. – I soon noticed that people liked the videos that showed how high the waves on the sea were, and how you get thrown around on the boat when the forces take hold, he says. With that, he gets to see both the humor and the bloody seriousness of being a fisherman. – There is a lot that can go wrong on a fishing boat, he adds. 82 million views In two years, he has accumulated 4 million followers, and is thus one of Norway’s biggest TikTokers. The most popular video has over 82 million views. That is 16 times the population of Norway. – It’s pretty wild that 82 million people have seen me weasel on the lake. I don’t really have words for how I feel about it, he says. – Why do you think you have become so popular? – It is because I share a side of fishing that many have not seen before. I show life inside the boat, the fish I catch and life on the sea in general. Benjamin Bakke, better known as Fisherbenny, talks about the fishing life of Anne Lindmo. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad Fans from the USA and agreement with Netflix The 26-year-old has followers from all over the world, most of whom are from the USA. – That’s where TikTok sent my videos first, and that’s where they first became popular, he explains. Even big stars, such as the former basketball player Shaquille O’Neal, follow the search. He has also been contacted by several major players, including Netflix. The streaming company wanted him to make a commercial for them. Something he agreed to. – It was a children’s film about sea monsters that I was supposed to advertise for, he says. For Benjamin Bakke, fishing is a great passion. He started fishing when he was only three years old. Photo: Privat Bakke makes no secret of the fact that he put a lot of effort into the assignment, but he does not want to reveal the sum. – Netflix is ​​big, so I got so I was satisfied. The TikTok influencer also makes good money by advertising various clothing brands, products or songs. – I could probably have lived off TikTok if I had gone for it. But I don’t make videos to make money. Visual and unique Geir Christian Johannessen is senior lecturer in communication and media at the University of Agder. Geir Christian Johannessen is senior lecturer in communication and media at the University of Agder. Photo: Privat He points to several possible reasons why Fisherbenny has done so well on TikTok: – It’s incredibly visual and rich material. It is unique. It’s personal, and it has humor. If there is something that characterizes a medium like TikTok or Snapchat, it is that you have to have a stopping effect for it to stand out. These videos have it, according to Johannessen: – You are immediately in an exciting environment where the world does not work quite like it does on land. Want to inspire Even if Bakke is interested in trying out more projects within the media, he likes everyday life as it is. – Fishing is my hobby, and something I will never stop doing. He usually works on the boat Udvaar 3, where he is two weeks at sea and two weeks at home. All year round. An ordinary day at work for Benjamin Bakke. Photo: Private – The worst thing about being out at sea is being away from home, especially my two-year-old son, he tells Lindmo. On the other hand, he gets to spend two weeks at home with his son and his roommate when he is demobilized. He is very satisfied with his life as a fisherman, and hopes his videos can make more people consider the profession. – I hope to inspire. Especially the younger ones. Catch Lindmo on news 1 tonight at 21.25 or whenever you want on news TV.
