Pretended to be a 14-year-old and exposed a person to violence in Oslo – Greater Oslo

25 July 2024 at 20:22 Pretended to be 14-year-old and exposed person to violence in Oslo Two masked men lured a man to a place in Storgata in Oslo on Thursday evening by pretending to be a young girl on social media. – The two masked men explain that they had pretended to be a younger girl online and were going to meet this man. When they met him, they started filming and tormenting him with some physical violence, says operations manager in the Oslo police district, Rune Hekkelstrand. The incident happened in the middle of an open street in Storgata. No weapon of any kind was used, and the man is only slightly injured, the police say. – The incidents were filmed on video, and we have seized the mobile phones of the two masked men to secure evidence. They institute criminal proceedings in connection with bodily harm. – We are also opening a criminal case on grooming where the man who was harassed by the masked men is to be considered a suspect. We suspect that he turned up with the intention of meeting a younger girl, say the police. The two men are in their late teens, while the other man is in his 30s.
