Presumed remains found in wreckage from sunken submarine – Latest news – news

29 June 2023 at 00:18 Presumed remains found in wreckage from sunken submarine Remains of the submarine “Titan”, which imploded at the wreck of the Titanic, have been brought up on land. Officials say “presumed human remains” have been found. Pictures taken at the coastguard’s port in St. John’s in Canadian Newfoundland show wreckage being unloaded from a ship that has taken part in the salvage work. “Medical experts from the United States will carry out a formal analysis of what are believed to be human remains that have been painstakingly recovered,” says the US Coast Guard in a statement after the unloading of the wreckage. Five people died when the submarine imploded and collapsed at a depth of around 3,800 meters a little over a week ago. Both the US Coast Guard and Canada’s Accident Investigation Board have started an investigation into the accident. (NTB)
