Presenter Jeremy Clarkson in dire weather after shocking Meghan comment – news Culture and entertainment

– I hate her … At night I am unable to sleep when I lie there, I grind my teeth and dream of the day when she is forced to walk naked through the streets of every town in England while crowds shout “Shame you”, and throws poo at her. Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle. Photo: ANGELA WEISS / AFP The juicy remarks about Duchess Meghan come from Jeremy Clarkson in an article in the British newspaper The Sun. Clarkson is known as the presenter of the motoring program Top Gear. He also writes in the post that “everyone who is my age thinks the same”. But the presenter faces strong opposition in his home country, as The Guardian writes about. Another presenter, Carol Vorderman, tweets: – No, Jeremy Clarkson. On no level, under any circumstances, is it okay to write this about any woman, and absolutely NO to the claim that “everyone my age thinks the same”. On Monday afternoon, Clarkson apologized on Twitter. – In a column I wrote about Meghan, I made a clumsy reference to a scene from Game of Thrones, and this has gone down badly with a lot of people. I am horrified to have caused so much pain and I will be more careful in the future, writes Clarkson. But he doesn’t apologize for comments like he hates her. The Sun confirms that Clarkson, on the other hand, has asked that the comment be removed from the newspaper. – Almost at a loss for words Author Philip Pullman believes that the post is an expression of low standards and poison. He writes on Twitter: – That Jeremy Clarkson can write things like this, and shamelessly publish them, tells us all that we need to know about the way Rupert Murdoch has poisoned our public life. SHOCKED: Royal House expert Caroline Vagle believes Jeremy Clarkson’s content is cruel and reprehensible. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news The reactions here at home are also strong. Royal House expert for Se og Hør, Caroline Vagle, is shocked. – I am almost at a loss for words. Both the fact that Clarkson gets to write something so cruel about another human being and that it is published, I think is reprehensible. Never, and I mean never, is it permissible to treat other people like this – regardless of what you may think of them, Vagle tells news. She believes that comments like this only confirm what the couple tells about in the recent Netflix documentary about them. DUCHESS: Former actress Meghan Markle receives a lot of hateful comments directed at her. She and Prince Harry tell about that in a recent documentary. Photo: Max Mumby/Indigo / Getty Images – Now Meghan and Harry have just told about all the hate she has received, and that it has actually driven her to suicidal thoughts. And so does anyone allow themselves this? Completely incomprehensible. Clarkson’s comment really only emphasizes the couple’s message, about all the hate they are met with. – Has nothing to do with freedom of expression Also professor of journalism at Oslo Met, Birgitte Kjos Fonn, reacts strongly to the post. She tells news that it is quite extreme, even for the British press. – I guess you can also see that from the attention it arouses. I don’t know why anyone, and especially not people connected to the media industry, feel they have to write that way. But the strangest thing is that not one editor says that we don’t want that kind of thing in print. PROFESSOR: Birgitte Kjos Fonn believes Jeremy Clarkson is moving the wall of stupidity into the public eye with his post. Photo: press image She thinks it is difficult to say where the limit is for what you can write about others in the media, and that the problem is that it is constantly shifting. – But I would like to say that this post by Jeremy Carson has nothing to do with freedom of speech. It is allowed to dislike a royal or a celebrity, and even to discuss them, but freedom of speech does not exist for one to move the wall of shame out into the public eye. And although she says that the British press is notorious, she warns that the media trend could spread to Norway. – We may as well be on guard against an institutionalization of missing folk customs in Norway as well. The danger is that it will only get worse. TOSPANN: Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry are close together, royal house expert Caroline Vagle believes. She thinks it’s a shame that hate comments are directed only at the Duchess. Photo: Matt Dunham / AP Friend of the Queen The British Daily Star writes that Jeremy Clarkson had lunch with Queen Camilla a few days before he wrote the article. The two are friends, writes the newspaper. Royal house expert Caroline Vagle understands that it makes people wonder. – It undeniably looks a little strange if the Queen and the King are close friends with Duchess Meghan’s biggest critics. Then people quickly start to speculate, I think. Have they talked about this? Does the person in question go out of his way to defend those who cannot speak publicly? But she believes that the royal couple and their advisers also understand this. – According to what I understand from the British media, the Queen has already been told to distance herself a little from Clarkson after his hateful remarks. She concludes by saying that it is sad that all the hate is directed only at the Duchess. – What kind of view of women is that? For those who have taken the time to watch the documentary, it is abundantly clear that Harry and Meghan are a tight-knit team. They have decided this in pairs.
