Premiere of a blockbuster film about Barbie, but do the children know who she is? – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Tablets, streaming services, Frost and Paw Patrol. Are children actually preoccupied with Barbie in 2023, or are nostalgic parents the reason why Barbie is still so popular? Long queue outside the Colosseum cinema in Oslo for the pre-premiere of the Barbie film on Wednesday. Photo: Tom Balgaard / news Old friends Carina Eide and her daughter Linnea Eide Gulbrandsen (3) look at old games at the Norwegian Children’s Museum in Stavanger. A 60-year-old Barbie doll is on display here. Conservator at the Norwegian Children’s Museum in Stavanger, Mette Tveit. Photo: Odin Omland / news – When Barbie was born in 1959, she was supposed to be the image of a successful western woman, says an engaged Mette Tveit. She is a conservator at the museum. – If Barbie were a real person, she would weigh 50 kilos. An organ had to be removed for her to have as narrow a waist as she has, and the ankles would have been too small to walk on. 60-year-old Barbie doll on display at the Norwegian Children’s Museum in Stavanger. Photo: Odin Omland / news Not the healthiest model, perhaps? But for three-year-old Linnea, Barbie is not a foreign figure. – She plays a bit with the three Barbie dolls she has. I think it’s perfectly fine, and she’s so small that I don’t think she compares to them, says mother Carina Eide. She even played with Barbie when she was little. – I see that Barbie dolls are sold in the toy shops, so I think it is still popular. Mother Carina Eide does not think Linnea (3) compares herself to the Barbie dolls she plays with. Photo: Odin Omland / news Expecting Barbie fever Kjetil Seime Ingebrigtsen is store manager at Extra games at Forus. Kjetil Seime Ingebrigtsen, store manager at Extra games. Photo: Odin Omland / news – We sell well of everything, and it sells out quickly. Barbie has remained popular and stable the whole way, he says. He himself thinks that Barbie has become more homely over the years. – The Barbie doll we sell the most here is Barbie in a wheelchair. They have been good at changing from the ideal that was before, and they reflect society more than a few years ago. Ryan Gosling plays Ken and Margot Robbie plays Barbie in the long-awaited Barbie movie, which premiered on Friday. Photo: Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures Conservator Mette Tveit at the museum in Stavanger also highlights major changes in the expression of the dock. – She has had over 180 occupations, her skin color varies and there is Barbie with a hijab, for example. She believes that the Barbie dolls will continue to be popular for a long time to come. – I think that when this Barbie film comes out, we will probably have another explosion. Perhaps we will have to find more old Barbie dolls to display here from time to time. Twelve screenings were shown at the Odeon cinemas in Stavanger and Sandnes on Friday alone. Almost all were sold out, and between 4,500 and 5,000 people have tickets. Director Håvard Erga calls it an adventure. – We have never had as much fuss and noise around a film as we have now. I can’t think of that. We know that it is a big film that hits a big target group and that it is long awaited, he says.
