– Premature babies taken out of the incubator – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

They do not have access to oxygen, fuel, nor electricity, according to the hospital. Now the doctors at Al-Shifa hospital say that they have taken 39 premature infants out of the incubators. news has been sent 2 photos from one of the doctors at the hospital who will show some of these children. news is not on site at the hospital and therefore cannot know the background or circumstances surrounding the images. An incubator is a closed special bed used for the care of premature or sick infants. There, the temperature can be precisely regulated, as premature infants have difficulty keeping the temperature high enough. Baby in incubator in Deir Al-Balah in Gaza. Now the war’s smallest victims are wrapped in cotton cloth and moved to another ward. All this was told by surgeon Marwan Abu Sada at Al-Shifa in a voice message to news on the night of Sunday.. – We have gathered them in one of the operating rooms for heart operations at the hospital, because we can no longer offer operations anyway, says Sada to news. – There they are vulnerable to infections, since they are not isolated in incubators. “They are in danger of life” According to the Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert, three premature babies have died after they were taken out of the incubator. CNN has also reported that three infants in the premature unit have died. – The fact that they can no longer be in the incubators means that they are very vulnerable to cooling and lack of oxygen. They are in mortal danger in short, says Gilbert to news. The Norwegian doctor is at work for the organization NORWAC in Egypt. Gilbert says he also has the information from the chief surgeon Marwan Abu Sada at Al-Shifa Hospital. – We are trying to save them Spokesman for the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health in Gaza, Ashraf Al Qudra, has been to the Al-Shifa hospital. He says the hospital is surrounded. When he talks to news on Saturday evening, we can hear banging in the background. – It is true that the babies have been taken out of the incubators. We took them out because we don’t have electricity. The incubators are not working. We are trying to save them. Just before we spoke, an infant died, says Al Qudra to news. The hospital is Gaza’s largest, and around the hospital there has been “intense violence” in recent days, according to the WHO. On Friday, news verified that several attacks had been carried out against al-Shifa. A spokesperson for the IDF says on Saturday evening that staff at the hospital have asked for help to move the babies to a safer hospital. To the BBC they say that they will assist with the evacuation. news has not had this confirmed by employees at the hospital. Doctors Without Borders says the incubators are not working A doctor who works for Doctors Without Borders also says that the incubators at the hospital are not working. – We have two premature patients who have died because the incubators are not working. There is no electricity, says doctor Mohammed Obeid in an audio recording shared by Doctors Without Borders. Surgeon Mohammed Obeid works for Doctors Without Borders at Al Shifa Hospital. This picture was taken on Saturday. Photo: Doctors Without Borders According to Obeid, the hospital has not had electricity since Saturday morning. – There is no electricity, there is no water, there is no food, says the doctor in the audio recording. Refugees were fired upon On Saturday, Doctors Without Borders announced that the people who tried to flee Al-shifa were fired upon. By whom is unknown. A representative from the Israeli Ministry of Defense claims that Israeli forces are not firing at the Al-Shifa hospital, but that there are battles with Hamas around the hospital. He also claims that it is possible to get out of the hospital safely on the east side. It is Colonel Moshe Tetro, who belongs to a unit called COGAT, which is under the Ministry of Defense, who states this, according to Reuters. Terrible reports The World Health Organization (WHO) has sounded the full alarm about the situation at Al-Shifa Hospital. – We are very concerned about the safety of the health personnel, of hundreds of sick and injured patients, including babies in incubators, and of internally displaced persons who are at the hospital, says an announcement from WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. – There are terrible reports that the hospital is exposed to repeated attacks, he adds. The Israeli army denies that its forces have surrounded and attacked the Al-Shifa hospital, but demands that it be emptied of people because it is in a conflict zone. Command center Israel claims Hamas has a command center under the hospital, which is rejected both by Hamas, the hospital’s management and foreign doctors, including Mads Gilbert. Israel claims to have shared evidence with allied countries, but none of them have vouched for the claim. The same applies to Israel’s claim that Hamas is holding some of the Israeli hostages trapped in tunnels under the hospital. Israel claimed earlier this week that it has evidence of Hamas tunnels under hospitals.
