Powerful hurricane on its way to Mexico and the USA – Latest news – news

19 August 2023 at 08:49 Powerful hurricane heading towards Mexico and the USA Mexico and the USA are steeling themselves for a powerful hurricane heading towards Baja California and the US state of California. The American hurricane center NHC warns of the risk of large and dangerous floods in the tourist areas of Baja California and in southern California when hurricane “Hilary” hits land on Saturday. While “Hilary” was still some distance out to sea on Friday, it was a Category 4 hurricane, the second highest on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale. It is headed for the resort town of Cabo San Lucas at the tip of the long Baja California peninsula and is then expected to move along the west coast of Baja California up to Tijuana and southern California on Sunday night. Hurricanes rarely hit California in the United States. In Cabo San Lucas, a popular vacation spot for both Mexicans and Americans, people were busy on Friday nailing up windows, laying out sandbags and moving furniture up higher in anticipation of the storm. (NTB)
