Powerful explosion in a residential area in Solna near Stockholm – Latest news – news

22 September 2022 at 23:16 Powerful explosion in residential area in Solna near Stockholm A powerful explosion was reported at a multi-family residence in Solna north of Stockholm on Thursday evening, writes Aftonbladet. – We have received many calls, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl. The bang was heard all the way to the center of Stockholm, writes the newspaper. – Something has exploded in or near a stairwell to an apartment building in Solna. It is currently unknown what has exploded. The explosion has caused major damage to the stairwell and several windows have been broken both in this block of flats and in neighboring houses, the police write in a press release. No injuries have been found so far, but the emergency services are searching the area. The police have evacuated residents from the area, as they fear structural damage to the property. It is unclear how many are affected. Several residents with whom Expressen has been in contact say that there were very loud bangs. – The whole house shook, says one resident.
