– Potentially quite dangerous – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Many people want sun and nice weather in the summer. Recently, however, the Norwegian Meteorological Institute has issued a warning of torrential rain, both in the south and in the north. A total of 13 danger warnings have been issued since 20 May. In addition to the sun shining with its absence, it must also take much of the blame for the rain announcing its arrival. This is what the meteorologist on duty at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Eldbjørg Moxnes, says. – It is in many cases. There may also be fronts with showers in, which can be heavy and can give what is called torrential rain. It can occur in several ways, but the sun is a factor that can trigger it in many situations, says Moxnes to news. When the sun warms the ground, the hot air will rise from the ground and eventually cool in cold air, creating condensation. This is how the violent storms become. In the event of condensation, drops will be created. Eventually, the process continues, creating powerful showers, says Moxnes. WET: Even outside news’s ​​premises at Marienlyst in Oslo, it has occasionally rained well. This photo was taken in late June. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – Potentially quite dangerous In Norway, the sun is stronger in summer than in winter. This is much of the reason why the downpour often comes at this time of year in this country. The large amount of precipitation can have greater consequences than acidifying Norwegians’ mood during the holidays, says meteorologist Moxnes. – It is potentially quite dangerous, and it often creates problems when so much comes in such a short time. Different things can happen, especially in densely populated areas, says Moxnes. And continues: – In many places it has been shown that you do not have the capacity to take away so much water in a short time, and basements have been flooded. At the same time, it is not always easy for meteorologists to predict exactly where the rain will fall. – The precipitation is basically very local, and the consequences are different depending on where it ends up. Then you will experience boom warnings, says the meteorologist. METEOROLOGIST: Eldbjørg Moxnes is a meteorologist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Photo: Private – Gets it more often and more powerfully than before Borgar Aamaas is a senior researcher at the Center for Climate Research CICERO. He believes the torrential rain is the clearest climate effect we experience in this country. – We get it more often and more powerfully than before. This is due to the fact that it is getting warmer and that there is room for more moisture in the air. This means that the potential for heavy rain showers is greater, he says to news. Borger Aamaas is a senior researcher at the Center for Climate Research – CICERO. Photo: Cicero Aamaas points out that the climate is both wetter and drier at the same time. The fluctuations and the changing conditions can make life challenging for what lives in nature. – Suddenly there is very little water, and then suddenly there is a lot of water. It makes it difficult for the life that is there to hang on. When asked what can be done to overcome the downpour, climate researcher Aamaas answers: – It is a big question. Roughly speaking, there are two answers. We must adapt to climate change and torrential rain. Secondly, we must cut emissions so that we never experience the worst climate change.
