Postpones introduction of the Health Platform in Nord-Trøndelag and Møre og Romsdal – news Trøndelag

In May, the introduction plan was postponed. It was then decided that the hospitals in Nord-Trøndelag should adopt the record system in February. Subsequently, the hospitals in Møre and Romsdal were to join in April. That is not how it will be – and the introduction has thus been postponed once again. Must have full focus on St. Olav The board recognizes that the difficult situation at St. Olav’s hospital in Trondheim is stressful for the employees. Here, they have had significant challenges after the introduction of the Health Platform in November. Therefore, all resources must be put into correcting the mistakes there, before the record system can be introduced in other hospitals, the board believes. – There are a number of challenges, greater challenges than expected during the introduction, says Odd Inge Mjøen, chairman of Helse Midt-Norge. – I am very satisfied that the board decides to postpone the introduction, and prioritizes the situation at St. Olav, namely correcting serious errors and improving the solution to safeguard patient safety and staff workload. That’s what Lindy Jarosch-von Schweder says is the group trustee for the Academics in Helse Midt-Norge. Jarosch-von Schweder is happy that the introduction is being delayed. Photo: Roar Strøm / news Øyvind Bakke is director of Helse Møre og Romsdal. He would prefer to see the Health Platform introduced in April, as planned. Nevertheless, he believes the decision to postpone is correct. – Then we get a better system when we introduce it later, than the one we get if we introduce it in the spring, says Bakke. Concerns about patient safety Grethe Aasved, hospital director at St. Olav, has been concerned about patient safety and therefore sent a notice to the State Administrator. The plan was for St. Olav’s hospital to be back in full operation four weeks after the introduction. It is now nearly two months since the system was put into use, and the hospital is still not back to normal. It costs St. Olav NOK ​​25 million a week not to be up to full activity. Hospital director Grethe Aasved is concerned about patient safety after the introduction and has notified the State Administrator. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news The challenges have been many after the Health Platform was put into use: Referrals and epicrises do not get to where they should be The system makes it difficult to handle medicines Creates cumbersome work for doctors, secretaries and employees in several departments Critical errors for those who working with radiology examinations More new errors are reported than the Health Platform is able to solve Employees are overworked and tired The trustees, the board at St. Olav and the steering group for the introduction have recommended postponing the introduction at the other hospitals. The municipalities will introduce Several municipalities in central Norway will introduce the Health Platform during the coming year. This plan must still be followed, decided the board of Helse Midt-Norge on Thursday evening. Levanger, Verdal, Ålesund and several municipalities in Møre and Romsdal will therefore adopt the journal system throughout the spring. The board of Helse Midt-Norge met in Stjørdal to discuss whether the Health Platform should be postponed. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Additional costs must be mapped The board of Health Central Norway is giving up to NOK 30 million to Health Nord-Trøndelag to cover additional costs and loss of income in the coming period. Møre and Romsdal will receive up to NOK 40 million. It has not been decided when the hospitals in Nord-Trøndelag and Møre og Romsdal will introduce the Health Platform. The board has set a new goal of introducing the record system in Helse Nord-Trøndelag before the summer holidays. This assumes that the problems must be resolved at St. Olav by 1 March. – Has Epic, which has delivered the Health Platform, delivered the product that you were promised? – I dare not take a decision on that. We have to carry out an evaluation of the actual introduction that has been made at St. Olav and I think it is right that the Health Platform can respond to that, says Odd Inge Mjøen, chairman of Helse Midt-Norge. A time frame has not been specified for Helse Møre og Romsdal, but a more detailed plan must be available by 19 January. It is also unclear how expensive it will be to postpone the introduction. Helse Midt-Norge must also clarify this and present it on 19 January.
