Posted stolen goods worth 35,000 on Finn and walked right into the police’s trap – news Vestland

Early in December last year, there was a break-in at Maritime Construction Solutions at Laksevåg in Bergen. – They got in the window. They used crowbars and were inside all our offices, says Laila Åkre in Maritime Construction Solutions. In the burglary, among other things, a PC, several broken mobile phones and a Leica field controller with a value of NOK 35,000 were stolen. Only a few days after the break-in, the owners of the field controller, Bloms Maritime AS, discovered that it had been put up for sale. – They missed things to the tune of over 500,000, explains police attorney at the western police district Silje Åsnes. That was the start of the police’s hunt for thieves at Conducted its own investigation Åsnes says that the company itself conducted some of its own investigation. – They followed Finn. There they saw that an instrument like that which had been stolen from them, which they recognized as theirs, had been placed on Finn, says Åsnes. This ad appeared on Finn some time after the theft. The company itself followed and discovered their assets. Photo: The police The police contacted the sellers, who begged. They agreed to meet at Bergen station in the city centre. – It was she who has now been charged and imprisoned who met and brought this instrument with her, says Åsnes. It didn’t take many days from the break-in until the instrument was posted on, says general manager of Bloms Maritime AS, Marius Blom. He is impressed by how quickly the process went after the company notified the police. Theft victim: – Absolutely fantastic – After they found out about the Finn ad it took two days or something like that, then this was resolved. And it was absolutely fantastic, I’ll be completely honest, says Blom. The rest of the missing items, which had a value of several hundred thousand kroner, were found dumped next to a rubbish container. The accused was remanded in custody for four weeks earlier in February. The reason is that the police believe there is a high risk of repetition. She has been reported for 15 cases of burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and burglary. Now she is awaiting a trial. Police attorney Åsnes says that hunting for thieves on has become necessary for the police in such cases in such cases. – If you are sure that it is the stolen object, then you sometimes do it. Here, we were talking about a lot of values, says Åsnes. DIFFICULT TO DISTINGUISH: It can be difficult to distinguish stolen goods from ordinary Finn ads, says Gjefsen in Finn. Photo: Privat This is what you should look for on Director of fraud and consumer safety in Finn Geir Petter Gjefsen says that it is difficult to distinguish stolen goods from ordinary advertisements on – Overall, it is difficult to see if something is stolen property if it is not marked, he says. Gjefsen says that there are methods to reveal stolen goods. – Generally speaking, that’s how you look for the whole. In other words, to check whether there is an offer that is too good to be true. It could be a sign that something is wrong, says Gjefsen. – Then you may have to ask for a receipt. It is a very good checkpoint. does not have figures on how much stolen goods are put up for sale on their pages.
