Posted objects in the train track twice – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Several large objects were found in the railway tracks in Larvik on Tuesday evening. Among other things, stone slabs, fire extinguishers, gas bottles and a log were laid out. The police have looked at the videos from the trains on Thursday. Surveillance videos show that someone has placed new objects on the train line, after the first train passed and moved on. – Train number two, which comes from the north at 21.36, there we also see that there are new objects lying on the train line, says Tor Eriksen, police station chief in Larvik. Shows a will to achieve something The new information confirms the police’s suspicion that someone has wanted to sabotage the trains on the Vestfold Railway. – Here there is a will behind it. That you want to achieve something. I can’t speculate further on that, but it at least shows a will that you want to achieve something here, says Eriksen. Tor Eriksen, police station chief in Larvik. Photo: Robert Hansen / news The police are still completely without suspects. – We also do not know as of now whether it is one or more people who have carried out this. We also don’t know anything about the motive, he says. The case is very special for the police, explains Eriksen. – I cannot remember that we have had a similar case with the scope as now, with the possible potential for damage that this could cause. Used fire extinguishers from companies For two days, the police have worked intensively on investigating the incident. The police have received many tips in the case. The tips they have received are mostly about the fire extinguishers that were placed in the track. The fire extinguishers that were used to sabotage the trains on the Vestfold Line on Tuesday. Photo: The police – There are used fire extinguishers that come from businesses in the local area, says Eriksen. The police still want tips from people who may have seen something, or think they have information that could help them further in the investigation. There is still work to go through the video material and technical examinations of the objects found on the railway track. Fire extinguishing powder on the railway line in Larvik. Photo: Sindre Thoresen Lønnes / news Witness interviewed The train driver on one of the trains is said to have observed a person with a headlamp close to the track on Tuesday evening. The police quickly went out on Tuesday and called for this person. On this stretch, the objects were placed in the railway tracks. Photo: Sindre Thoresen Lønnes / news On Thursday, the police questioned a person who came forward. It turns out that this is not the person they are looking for. – We have questioned a witness today who has been in an area a little further away. It was very good that he came forward, but we have not identified the right person. So the person in question is asked to report to the police very soon, says the police station chief.
