Positive things that happened in the world in February – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Among other things, research shows that monkeys like to fool around as much as we do, and the EU will help women and the climate. Jump straight to the issues here: EU rules must protect women World record in donor hearts People like you better than you think Cuts in greenhouse gas emissions Apar are silent cups Same-sex couples can marry in Greece The right to log off after work EU rules must protect women Now it has to be negotiated on rules to protect women against violence, sexual harassment and rape. The EU must negotiate and create rules that will help protect women better in the world. It includes, among other things, a longer list of offences. These shall also apply to public figures, journalists and human rights defenders. There will be a set of regulations that are more suitable for women. Photo: Adobe Stock The rules should make it clearer that it is not okay to discriminate against people for sexual orientation, gender, skin color or political opinions. There will also be separate rules against female genital mutilation and forced marriage. This also applies to cybercrime, which will now include the sharing of intimate material and nude images. In addition, the EU wants better routines for the safety and health of victims. The governing authorities must also increase reporting and the collection of evidence. The EU Parliament and the Council must formally approve the proposal. After 20 days, the new rules will apply, and then the member states must introduce them during a period of three years. World record for donor heart Bert Janssen (57) from the Netherlands has set the Guinness World Record for living the longest after a heart transplant. He has now lived almost 40 years with the donor heart he received in the 80s. Janssen was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy at the age of 17. It is a disease of the heart muscle that can affect the shape and function of the heart. After the operation, he quickly regained his quality of life. – I couldn’t have imagined that I would have come this far, he says to the BBC. Janssen says that it is an honor to have reached the record, and he hopes that this shows people that it is possible to get this far with a donor heart. People like you better than you think We worry too much about what people think of us. Harvard Business Review has done a study where they got people from the UK and the US to talk to foreigners, and then explain how they felt it went. The vast majority thought worse of themselves than what their conversation partner did. You don’t need to worry too much about what others think of you. Here is a cozy picture of Bent Høie and Erna Solberg hugging. Photo: Ali Zare / NTB They call this an “equal distance”. Then you think that the person you are with doesn’t like you as much as you like them. If this distance was large, people were less likely to ask their colleague for help. They also did not dare to give completely truthful feedback and they were less willing to work on projects together. But you don’t need to worry too much about this, because in the study they found that people often think worse of themselves than others did. Cuts in greenhouse gas emissions By 2040, the EU must have cut 90 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, compared to the level from 1990. They will do this in order to achieve the goal of the member countries becoming climate neutral. In recent years, man-made climate crises have increased and become more visible. The EU says that this proposal will help countries to become less dependent on fossil fuels, and to stand stronger in crises. Several countries are now investing in renewable energy. The Swedes did very well, and 80 percent of the electricity they used came from hydro and wind. Photo: Øyvind Gravås / Equinor / NTB Several countries have increased the use of renewable energy. In 2022, 41 percent of the member countries’ energy use came from renewable sources. Sweden tops the list, followed by Denmark. Monkeys are pranksters Great monkeys, like chimpanzees, like to joke, fool and tease just as much as we do. A group of researchers has found that out. Monkeys have a sense of humour, and they like to pull other people’s hair, push each other and come up with nonsense. The teasing was usually one-sided, and the goal was to provoke a response or to get the attention of the other monkeys. SMILE: Humor may have developed many millions of years ago. Monkeys are dummies just like us humans. Photo: David J. Phillip / Ap Dei studied various videos of baboons, orangutans, chimpanzees and gorillas. They saw that when the monkeys joked with each other, they often did not give up until they had received a reaction. In addition to pushing each other and pulling hair, they tried to get the attention of others by tickling, stealing and being close. Same-sex couples can marry in Greece Greece has become the first Christian Orthodox country to make it legal for people of the same sex to marry. The amendment also makes it legal for gays and lesbians to adopt children. – People who have been invisible will finally become visible around us, and with them many children will finally find their place, said Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis before the decision was made. The BBC writes. A woman celebrates in the Greek capital after the law change was decided. Photo: LOUISA GOULIAMAKI / Reuters The right to log off after work In Australia, they have now proposed allowing workers to have complete time off after work. If this becomes part of the law, workplaces can be fined if they ask people to answer work-related matters after working hours. That’s what The New York Times wrote. Such a law was also proposed by Venstre last year. They want to give people at work the right to log out completely when you are not at work. Several European countries have already introduced this. The EU started discussing a bill on this in November, but it was put on hold. Hi! We want to continue writing stories where we can also focus on the positive things happening in the world. If you have any tips on things that might suit that, I’d be very happy if you get in touch!
