Politicians concerned about safety on the Norwegian continental shelf after a gas leak in the Baltic Sea – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

On the same day that Norway opened the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline, which will supply Poland and Denmark with gas from Norway, the gas leak in Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 became known. The leak in the Baltic Sea is suspected to be due to sabotage. This has caused unrest around the issue of security measures around Norwegian gas pipelines. The Danish defense has released this image of the gas leak at Nord Stream 2 taken from an F-16 aircraft stationed on Bornholm. Photo: The Danish defense Liberal Party leader Guri Melby reacted strongly when Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland told NTB earlier today that there is currently nothing to indicate that there may be an attack on Norwegian gas pipelines. Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap). Photo: Lise Åserud When asked what the government would do, the oil and energy minister pointed out that it is the oil and gas companies’ responsibility for safety on the Norwegian continental shelf. – I believe this is a serious disclaimer of responsibility on the part of the government, said Melby about the statement. Preparedness on the Norwegian continental shelf must now be stepped up following the gas leak, according to the Minister of Oil and Energy. – It is positive that Aasland is now turning around and taking more control to gain an overview of the situation. Nevertheless, it is surprising that it is only now happening several hours after the first reports came and not least long after the report about drones on Norwegian platforms, Melby believes – Fits well into Putin’s plans Melby has submitted written questions to the government about what measures will be done to increase Norwegian preparedness against threats from Russian digital and physical sabotage, and other undermining activities against Norwegian gas exports. – I expect that the government has realized that Norway’s increased importance for Europe’s energy security makes Norwegian gas exports a likely target, says Melby and adds: – Putin is constantly looking for ways to demonstrate to European citizens that we should give up support for Russia’s war in Ukraine. A sabotage attack that casts doubt on whether Norway is able to supply gas to Europe probably fits well into his plan. – About the safety of thousands of workers Party leader in the Progress Party, Sylvi Listhaug, also reacted to Aasland’s statement and believes that the responsibility lies with the authorities. – It is also to the highest degree that those who work for us on the Norwegian continental shelf should feel safe, says Sylvi Listhaug (FrP). Photo: William Jobling / news – I reacted strongly to the oil and energy minister’s statements earlier today. It is good that Aasland realized a few hours after that statement that it is something the Norwegian authorities must of course take responsibility for in today’s security policy situation, says Listhaug. In Denmark, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has already urgently summoned the party leaders in Denmark to inform them of the serious situation in the Baltic Sea. – FrP expects the government to quickly come to the Storting and explain what has been done after PST raised the alarm in March about an increased threat to oil and gas and what is now being done to secure infrastructure and Norwegian oil and gas installations, and concludes with: – This is about the safety of thousands of workers who are out there creating great value for the country and securing large amounts of energy for Europe, believes the party leader.
