Polish and Norwegian love story about queer dishes arouses reactions in the Polish community – news Trøndelag

“Norwegian Dream” is a love story between two young men who meet each other across cultures, Polish and Norwegian. And the film has not come without reactions. Reactions in the Polish environment With around 120,000 Poles in Norway, it is one of the largest minorities in the country. And on the Polish Facebook page “Dzieje się w Norwegii”, translated as: “This is happening in Norway”, the trailer has been shared and caused strong reactions. The Facebook page has 24,000 followers. – There have been many, quite rude, comments. Very homophobic. Comments both on me and on the film, says director Leif Igor Devold. He himself is half Polish and half Norwegian. In the comment field you will find over 480 comments and opinions about the content of the film. Certain texts, here translated into Norwegian: “thank you, my eyes are bleeding”, “it is this film that insults us Poles” and “it is unbearable”. Others have commented “this whole concept of the film is disastrously rubbish” and “make a film about countrymen who have lost their lives abroad, not some bastards”. The filmmakers say it is primarily an entertaining love film suitable for a wide audience. Photo: Patryk Kin / Spætt Film AS But there are also many positive comments and reactions. Several people write that they are looking forward to seeing the film and that Poland is extremely proud that such films are being made. – It is shared, about 50-50. And that’s how Poland is, the director explains. Since 2015, there has been what he calls a weathering of democratic institutions. It has also gone beyond women’s rights, abortion rights and also queer rights. Precisely for this reason, the filmmakers believe that it is an important topic to address. – I welcome the debate, stand in this storm and hope that someone changes their mind, adds producer Håvard Wettland Gossé. – First and foremost, I am happy to share this love story. At the bottom lies the story that love is the most important thing, says Devold. In Poland, the filmmakers expect that “Norwegian Dream” will not do so well in cinemas. – People are afraid of being seen in queer films at the cinema, says director Leif Igor Devold. Photo: Patryk Kin / Spætt Film AS All-Trøndersk, Polish, feature film The film was shot in Trøndelag and there are mostly Trønders in action – both in front of and behind the camera. – It is the first time that a company from Trønder has made a feature film. That we were going to make it was really fun, says Gossé. Trønder’s Karl Bekele Steinland and Polish Hubert Miłkowski have the main roles in the film. Robert, a Polish migrant worker, moves to the coast of Trøndelag and falls in love with his colleague Ivar, who is openly queer. When Ivar supports a strike at the factory, Robert must choose between the money he so desperately needs or love. – The message is that it should be safe for everyone to come out, no matter who they are, says Devold. Producer Håvard Wettland Gossé and director Leif Igor Devold take up taboo subjects, which are queer in their own right, in the film “Norwegian Dream”. Photo: Sunniva Skurtveit / news The film “Norwegian Dream” opens Trondheim’s international film festival, Kosmorama, on Monday 6 March. – For me personally, this means an enormous amount. I’ve been working on this project for 10 years, so it’s tingling in my stomach now, says Devold ahead of the premiere.
